Dating the Teenage Dirtbag (Cube Smp fanfic)

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Riley's POV

"Riley get off of her you broke her nose already!" I got pulled off of that no good for nothing blond hair bitch by my brother Will "Let me go Will this bitch keeps talking shit so she's going to get the shit beat out of her!" He pulled me away from her I saw her and her group of friends go into the bathroom. We went into the cafeteria and sat at a table in the corner of the cafeteria. Will was looking at me stressed out "Riley this is your first day here you need to stop this this isn't good you got expelled from your last school from fighting with other students and you don't need this you can change." I was about to say something but I heard a voice "Oh come on Will Princess here was just having a little bit of fun by the way nice punches to my ex's face." I shot a glare at him "Don't call me Princess you ass muncher." He smirked "Why not Princess I mean it fits you perfectly." I felt my blood boiling "Well Why don't you watch what you say before i break your nose because your being a royal pain in the ass." He smirks "aw Princess no need for complements." I took a deep breath "Well I really love to stay but I really have to go." I looked at him and fake pouted "Awe too bad I really thought we hit it off." He smirked and winked at me "Maybe next time princess I can teach you how to punch right with out hurting your hand." I was about to pounce at him but Will got my hand "No he's not worth your time."

Looking at Will "Who was that guy?" He rolled his eyes "His name is Joe he's nothing but trouble so stay away from him 'Princess' " He Teased "Hey watch it I can beat you up when we get home." I joke "I would like to see you try little sister." He smiles "Now lets get something to eat." I shook my head "You go ahead I 'm not hungry." I smiled and he went and got lunch. I looked around in the lunch room and seeing all the cliques sitting with there friends. Will and I never like socializing with other people we always had each other we never needed anyone else. Maybe that's why I am being short tempered with people and so rude. Those are the reasons why I don't have any friends. I felt tears come out gosh "why do I mess everything up? "Hey are you okay?" I Never heard this voice before I looked up and I saw a guy from the boys soccer team he's also in my Pre-Cal class I looked at him "Yeah I'm fine now can you please just go away and let me be please." I said Cold He shook his head "You shouldn't push people away who are trying to help you." I looked up and glared at him "I don't need any ones help." He shook his head "Well if you change your mind here is my number and I'm Brayden and over there those are my friends Mitch and Ryan." I smiled at him "Thanks but I'll pass on being your friend I'm kind of a" "Lone wolf" We said at the same time. "Well just keep my number just in case you actually do need a friend 'lone wolf'" He chuckled and walked off.

I mocked his chuckle and rolled my eyes "Why was Brayden talking to you?" Will sat his tray next to me "He just asked if I was new here." He looks at me "Oh that was nice of him." I grabbed his apple off of his tray and I took a bite out of it. I was looking at My brother and wondering how dose he have more friends than me but yet he's always around me? I took another bite and just started thinking about it. Was it because he was so nice and approachable? Maybe it was because he's not as short tempered as me? I could list reasons for ever why my older brother is better than me. "Earth to Riley." Will snapped me out of my trance "What?" I looked at him "The bell rang time to go to your last class." I nodded and Will and I said our byes and I went to my last class.

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