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Days have past since I've been training non-stop after school and Yoongi doesn't seem to notice. Well, that's good. Ever since that spar with Chan-woo, my goal was  to get stronger and be of use to Yoongi. I don't want to be a burden to him and because I'm his eve. Come on Y/N, you'll get stronger and reach Yoongi's expectations!

I closed my notes and retired them into my bag. I've finished studying and thought to head back home and do some training. I put some ear pods on and put on (insert bts music or whatever). I have quizzes to study for, so my time for training will be less.

I walk towards the school gate and notice a huge amount of female crowd gathering at one side of the gate. They did maintain their distance and tried not to be rude as if an idol has came.

I decide not to get involved and continued to walk. As I got closer to the crowd, I saw a tiny glimpse of a guy who seemed to look like Yoongi?

What the fuck is he doing here? I assumed he was too lazy to even stand or walk from the apartment to school so I didn't bother to tell him not to come see me. Just what is he up to now?

Well, I don't want to get a lot of attention so I left him there with his so called harem. My god, he's not even good. He is handsome, cool, sexy, hot— wait, what the fuck am I thinking?! Whatever, he got himself into his harem mess and I won't help him clean it.

"Oi! Y/N." A hand was placed on my shoulder as I looked as to who owned it. I was ultimately surprised as to who it was.

"It's you, Jung-Yoon." I faced him and his foreign appearance. He's from London and transferred here in Korea mid-way. His father was Korean so he let his son study here. But I gotta say, he's a genius. I simply cannot compete with his knowledge.

"Quizzes are up next week, so I was hoping if you were free to study with me on Saturday?" He asked as I gazed at his ocean blue orbs getting lost in it at the same time. He absolutely had the looks and knowledge of a true prince, indeed. I was about to nod until...

"Y/N!" A familiar cold, raspy voice came calling my name. But somehow, I didn't find that voice cold at all. It was warm inside my ears and I just want to hear it again and again. I soon realize it was Yoongi and snapped back to the cold reality.

"I came to pick you up. A friend of mine invited us to his birthday party." He seemed to be still hiding his identity having to be a vampire as a profile. I followed along his statement.

"Oh, I see. Sorry Jung-Yoon. I'll think about your invite, I'll text you my answer. See you!" I walk to Yoongi as people stared at as making the air filled with heavy tension. I tried to ignore it but it was hard not to.

"Wait! What's your connection with Y/N?!" Jung-Yoon asked Yoongi. I could've sworn there was lightning clashing from within them signalling rivalry.

Yoongi faced him with his hands on his pockets along with his sharp eyes. He smiled giving up and took the arm nearest to me and wrap it around my shoulders. The people around us seemed more shocked than I am.

"Y/N is my beautiful girlfriend. So please, spare your flirting. If you dare make a move on what's mine, you might end up in hell." He stated with no problem along with an angelic smile. I almost broke into glass pieces after hearing his unexpected declarations.

"Oh really? How can you be so sure? If Y/N had a boyfriend, I would already have known considering she's my friend." Jung-Yoon commented with a mischievous smile. Yoongi seemed to be not fazed at all.

"Want me to prove it? Sure, why not?" In one moment, his warm lips came softly crashing onto mine. This time, I didn't recognized who I was kissing. The genuine gentleness and warmness of his lips didn't match Yoongi's attitude after all. But, why do I feel everything is so real even though this is just an act.

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