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Jin-ae opened her eyes revealing those pink gems of hers. She had sat up and examined your facial features as you only smiled. "Who are you?" She asked with her broken voice. You gave her a glass of water to drink to avoid drying her throat.

"My name is Y/N and these are my friends. Don't worry, they mean no harm. No one will harm you anymore." You told in the sweetest voice possible.

"Would you like to eat? You must be hungry by now." You asked whist tilting your head in an innocent manner.

You felt a small embrace attack you ever so gently. You also felt light sobs from the embrace. Turns out, it was Jin-ae and she was crying.

"Thank you, you were the first person to be so kind to me..." she sobbed. You hugged back feeling sympathy. You patted her back in order to comfort you. It seemed to had worked.

"No person is the kindest, yet there are beings that are the evilest. You see, this world isn't fair, and I think, we're the strongest amongst them." You states leaving the other in surprise.

"You fought through the end in order to survive on what we call life. Though this world is making it so hard for us to live on and so many different ways. There was a lot of times that I wanted to give up, to finally end it all. But, because there are other people who feels the same thing as me, I must live for them. The weakest can be the strongest for they had lived til' this day through hardship and agony." You added. Every single word you said was true,  it was what you learned from being around danger and beside Yoongi.

The were so many times that you wanted to give up on life, to finally lose. The stress, the rage and the hate was almost consuming you that you almost concluded that you were never worth it. But the world kept weighing you more heavy burden until you finally realize that life isn't fair. You have to fight for your life. You may look weak but you can be the strongest if you have survived. We all hold that rope the keeps us holding unto our life, if we ever let go, there's no telling how your story truly ends. Never let go of the rope even if you cannot take much more. Every step you take has its meaning. Never underestimate life and its values.

You felt the girl nod her head against your chest. The others then left, Hoseok went with Jin-woo to discuss the situation along with Jin.

"Miss Y/N?" She chirped.

"Just Y/N."

"Um, Y/N, can you please stay with me til' I fall asleep?" She asked with pleading eyes.

"Hey, it's my turn to borrow Y/N." Yoongi protested.

"Y/N noona, can you sleep with me?" She ignored Yoongi and kept giving you that face you cannot say no.

"Oi! I'm the only one who gets to sleep next to her!" Yoongi, once again protested.

"Well," you sweat drop. "Why don't we sleep together?" You added while gulping. The only response you heard from the two was "hmp!"

They did as you told, you three slept in one bed. You were in the middle to border the two. Yoongi was on your right, he had his arm around you. Jin-ae is on your left, she also had her arms around you. And you were just there, feeling awkward. Instantly regretting what you had decided. Soon enough you fell asleep.

The next morning, you were the first one to wake up and decided to cook breakfast. You prepared bacon and eggs for the two and for yourself. There was no school since the school building was on repair due to the damage. Jin-woo had paid all the expenses. You apologized a lot since you were part of the ones damaging the building. But Jin-woo being himself, he said it was okay. After the school building is repaired, all memories of students who unnecessarily needed to see that will be deleted in the minds. The seven brothers had the capabilities of doing that if they are together and it's a useful power as well.

You walked to your room seeing the two sleeping under their warm embrace, you smile at what you saw and sat on the edge of the bed, on Yoongi's side of the bed. You gently shook his body waking up. "Mmmnnn." You heard him moan as he stretched out his body out.  Jin-ae woke up at the process and stretched as well.

"Time to eat breakfast you two." You told. They nodded and you left to the kitchen. You turned the TV on and put on some movies on Netflix. The two sat lazily on their chairs and immediately opened their eyes upon smelling the beautiful scent of bacon. They immediately cheered and started eating.

It was like a normal day with family. You were done eating along with Jin-ae, Yoongi was now in charge of the dishes since he was the last one to finish. Jin-ae and you sat on the couch watching Whatever was on TV. You combed her hair with a thick brush since her hair was really long and thick. Nonetheless, she was still cute.

Yoongi had finish washing the dishes and immediately layer on your lap ever so tiredly. Is washing the dishes harder than fighting for hours? You ask yourself and shook off the thought.

You didn't stop combing her hair since you pretty much liked combining and braiding her long blonde hair. Yoongi fell asleep, AGAIN, on your lap.


I'm just going to end the whole story here since I can't think of ways on how to end it properly. I'm also working on another story called "The heart of a Delinquent" It's a Jungkook x reader by Kazue_Yanaihara. Check it out if you like Jungkook x readers! Thanks for reader my stories!

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2019 ⏰

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