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Jason was not reacting to how he was outnumbered. He was so happy, however. He was laughing mockingly on how they never realized it until now.

Jung-yoon was suppose to die at the first place. Either under your hands or Chan-woo's. He knew that one of you had the capabilities of killing the boy. His intentions? Well, deep underground, below the basement you and Chan-woo were locked up, is a working machine. Capable of deleting everything that is standing on Earth. In other words, he wants to destroy this world completely.

His reason is quite absurd. It was not for revenge but it was non other than a request. His 'creator' created him for this purpose. The reason that he could not die was for this one request. He is not allowed to die, not until his purpose is reached.

That very machine feeds on specific souls. It needs 1  stray soul and an artificial soul. Since Jung-yoon was a vessel of a stray soul, when he died, the soul was sucked into the machine. It only needs an artificial soul to be activated.

A stray and an artificial soul are not just any normal souls. A stray soul is where a soul of a strong being who used to live on this earth, filled with hatred and lust for killing. It is strong and almost invincible. It can only be released from its vessel by a human Eve. Not just any Eve, this human must have specific characteristics such as luck and power. Just like you and Chan-woo. Both of you could take out a stray soul with a secured win.

An artificial soul is created by a human. A man made soul. To make this artificial soul, a human must collect over 200 souls and fuse them together to create an artificial soul. If it has a reason to be created, it cannot be killed. A little twist however, there is no such thing as immortality. An artificial soul can also have weaknesses that leads to their death. If this soul has a great amount of desire to die, he can under a Servamp's hand.

And this was Jason's plan all along. He had the perfect amount of the desire of death. All he needs is to let one of the Seven deadly sins to slaughter him.

Back to the fight, Chan-woo had been constantly changing his guns. Every shot was in a perfect angle indeed.

You were protecting Yoongi, just like you planned.

Jason on the other hand was doing well. As if he wanted to enjoy this fight before he dies.

Min-hyuk had attempted to squash Jason with his ginormous spatula and Mi-yeon tried to hit him with her bat as if Jason was a ball. Jimin and Jungkook protected their Eves without hesitation. They took yours and Yoongi's strategy and worked perfectly.

Hoseok was left alone along with Jin without Eve. I mean like seriously, Hoseok kills his Eve out of jealousy while Jin is only interested in blood. Just who would be their Eve? If someone is willing to be Hoseok's Eve then, don't you cheat or you go to hell. Jin on the other hand, I'm gonna be seeing you on the hospital a lot. The blood stock of the hospital would be subtracted.
With Eves or not, they both have their ways on fighting. As a family.

Jin-woo and Taehyung's fight were not bad. In fact, it was cruelly amazing. They were in perfect sync, in unison. But they didn't had a lot of strategies that you and Yoongi had. You were not bothered by how good they were, you were too focused on protecting your servant vampire lover.

Not long enough, Jin-woo landed a large cut on Jason from his dagger. "Chan-woo! Min-hyuk! Mi-yeon! Y/N! Now!" You heard Jin-woo. You all assumed to have a finishing blow and so you did.

Even with the large amount of force, dedicated to that ultimate move, he was still not defeated. And of course, we all know why.

Jason was as now ready to finally end it all, he took Mi-yeon by her neck and slowly choked her. Jungkook was triggered. How dare he touch Jungkook's Eve without his permission! The greedy Jungkook can not possibly let his Eve die, after giving him a lot of stuff that he wanted so bad. So, with Jungkook's sharp nail. He stabbed Jason through his stomach out of rage. With that he died.

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