Chapter Seven

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A reunion that they always wanted but thought they couldn't have 


Ana and Bucky waited outside the hospital, they were waiting for news of the director death, they needed to make sure that the director stayed dead this time. They sat in silence, Ana looked around for a stone to take back with her. She had to leave her pile back in Siberia. 

James watched the road in silence until a car pulled up to the hospital and a familiar red-headed woman jumped out the car and ran into the hospital. James tapped his daughter on the shoulder and pointed to the red-headed woman run into the hospital. James decided quickly and pushed Ana forward towards the doors of the hospital.

"найди свою мать, я скажу им, что потерял тебя." the Soldier said. Ana shook her head, knowing that he would get into trouble for that but her father was gone in the blink of an eye. Tears formed in her eyes and she realised that her father left her when he promised he wouldn't. (Go find your mother, I'll tell them I lost you)

Ana shook herself free of the emotion and ran down to the hospital doors and ran inside. She ran through the doors and ran around the corners, desperately trying to find her mother. Ana turned around the corner and saw Rumlow standing in the hallway. Ana frantically turned around dived under a table when he turned around. 

"Mama." Ana whispered as she watched Natasha enter a room with the men guarding it. Ana decided to wait till she was done. Ana told the nurse outside the storage room to signal to her mother when she came out of the room. 

Inside the hospital room Natasha found Captain Rogers and Agent Hill inside the room already. She walked forward to the screen that shows the operating room.

"Is he going to make it?"She asked, finding it hard to keep her emotions in. He was more than a boss to her, more like the father figure she never had.

"I don't know." Captain Rogers responded. Fury was one of the first people he met and spoke to when he first came out of the ice.

"Tell me about the shooter." She demanded.

"He's fast and strong. Had a partner and a metal arm." Steve said. Natasha's breath was caught in her throat, she knew exactly who the two assassins were. Maybe she had a chance of meeting her daughter, seeing if it is her. Natasha kept her shock hidden afraid of Steve and Hill asking questions.

"Ballistics?" She asked. Agent Hill came closer to the glass screen and looked forward.

"Three slugs, no rifling. Completely untraceable." Hill stated, still watching through the screen. Scared for her boss' life.

"Soviet-made." Natasha wanted to be angry at her past lover but she can't, she only has hope that she will see her little girl. Steve looked at her weird and was about to as her a question but as soon as he opened his mouth, the director's heart rate dropped and the doctors scrambled to try and help him. Natasha didn't catch much of what was said in the room.

"Don't do this to me Nick." Natasha said, scared for his life. Her mind was all over the place. "Don't do this to me, Nick. Don't do this to me." Her heart dropped as the doctors stopped working and stepped back.

"What's the time?"

"1:03 am"

"Time of death 1:03 am." As that is said, Steve looked down at the flash drive that Fury had given to him. Natasha stormed out the room and waited outside, her mind kept going back into the memories of Fury and herself, and then herself and James. 

Steve came out and joined her, they waited in silence and something caught her in the eye. She turned and faced the source of the bright light and noticed a nurse beaconing her towards the stage room. Natasha held out a hand and motioned for the nurse to wait. 

"Follow me." Hill said, Natasha nodded and they walked into the room. She walked in first and went straight to the body, she lifted the cover and looked at her boss for the last time. Hill and Captain Rogers stand by the door to give Natasha some privacy.

"I need to take him." Hill said softly. Steve nodded and walked up to Natasha and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Natasha." Steve said but she walked straight out of the room to go and find the woman. Steve caught her elbow and she turned around.

"Why was Fury in your apartment?" She asked.

"I don't know." Rogers lied straight through his teeth. Natasha was about to say something but they were interrupted by Rumlow.

"Cap, they want you back at SHIELD." Rumlow stated. Natasha rolled her eyes and faced Steve again. 

"Yeah, give me a second."

"They want you now." Rumlow said with importance and urgency. Natasha rolled her eyes again and scoffed. 


"You are a terrible liar." was all that Natasha said before she walked off, to find the nurse outside the storage room. 

Natasha walked to the nurse and the nurse pointed into the storage room. Natasha nodded and opened the door. As soon as the door was closed behind her, she pulled out her gun and held it i front of her. 

"Come out, who ever you are." Natasha called out, she walked around the second row of storage and almost walked into a small girl with green eyes and waist length brown hair. The girl wasn't fazed by gun, instead she pulled the blanket off her body and looked straight into her mother's eyes for the first time ever.

"Natalia." The girl said. She looked up at the gun and Natasha got the hint that she could put the gun down. Natasha lowered the gun and placed it in the back of her jeans. "I'm Ana."

"I know." was all that Natasha could say. She was speechless, her daughter was standing in front of her. She knew that she shouldn't be here but she couldn't care in the moment. 

"You're my mother." Ana said. Natasha nodded and bent down to hug the girl. Natasha carefully placed her arms around the girl's thin body and Ana froze, the only affection she got was a forehead kiss from her father every now and then. Natasha noticed this and pulled away, with tears in her eyes.

"I'm your mother." Natasha whispered. Ana nodded and grabbed her mother's hand and pulled her out of the room and to the vending machine. Ana pointed up to the bubble gum.

"You want bubble gum?" Natasha asked confused. Ana sighed and pointed again. Natasha finally noticed something behind the bubblegum. Natasha smiled gratefully at her daughter and bought all the packets of bubblegum in the machine. She handed one out to Ana and they go sit somewhere in the hospital, waiting for who ever placed the hard drive there to come back.

Edited 17/12/2019

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