Chapter Eight

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The scariest mother-daughter duo in history 


Ana and Natasha waited in silence for the person to come in, Steve had just entered the hospital and headed for the vending machine. Ana and Natasha followed him and and as he looked in the machine, Natasha peered behind him and popped a bubble and he pushed her into another room. Ana silently followed them and stood to the side.

"Where is it?" Steve asked, anger clearly in his voice. He didn't notice the young girl in the back. 

"Safe." Natasha replied, she quickly glanced at Ana, who was staring at them. She quickly looked back at the fuming captain holding her against the wall.

"Do better!" The captain angrily said. Ana stepped forward but her mother sent her a warning look.

"Where did you get it?" Ana asks, Steve turned to her and glared at eat 14 year old. 

"Why would I tell you?" Steve growled, Ana looked down and shrank back into the wall and stayed silent with a tear in her eye.

"Don't speak to her like that! Rogers where did you get it?" Natasha said, she wanted to protect her daughter at all costs, even from her friend. 

"Why would I tell you either? Who is she?" Steve asked. He quickly turned to look at the girl standing by the wall. She can't be more than 14 years old.

"Fury gave it to you. Why?"

"What's on it?" Steve asked staring back at Natasha. The tension and anger in the air is thick enough you could cut it with a knife.

"I don't know." Natasha said truthfully. She has no clue what is on the drive, she only collected the information.

"Stop lying!" Steve said while slamming her back into the wall. Ana moved forward and stood next to her mother, as if she was a defence.

"I only act like I know everything, Rogers." Natasha replied, cooly. She gripped Ana's shoulder to calm her down. Natasha knew exactly what she could do and what she was capable of, Steve didn't.

"I bet you knew Fury hired the prates, didn't you?" Steve snarled, scaring Ana a bit. Although she is an assassin she still gets scared, years in confinement did that to a person. 

"Well, it makes sense. The ship was dirty, Fury needed a way in, so do you." Natasha said, she gripped onto Ana even more, she could tell that the girl is scared of the man in front of them.

"I'm not going to ask you again." Steve said.

"I know who killed Fury. Most of the intelligence community doesn't believe that they exist, the ones that do call them the Winters, the Winter Soldier and Winter Horror. The Winter Soldier is credited with over two dozen assassinations over the past 50 years, together they have been credited with over four dozen." Natasha said, Natasha felt her daughter gulp and shrink again. 

"So they're ghost stories." Steve said, confused as to why there was still a child the room and why she was so close with Natasha.

"Five years ago I was escorting a nuclear engineer out of Siberia, somebody shot out my tires near Siberia. We lost control, went straight over a cliff, I pulled us out, and the Winters were there. I was covering the engineer, so he shot him through me. The partner took everything else." Natasha said. She pulled up her t-shirt to show him a scar 

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