Chapter 1

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Reader's POV

I drummed my fingers over the steering wheel as I passed the Charming sign. It had been five years since I last saw that sign and it twisted my stomach up now just as much as it did then. Five years ago was when I ran away from the person I loved most in this world and every mile away killed me more and more. I had done it to protect him but now I needed his help.

Juan and I had been childhood best friends. We were inseparable so it was no surprise to anyone when we become high school sweethearts. We moved to Charming right after graduation. Both of us needing to get away from our families and we figured that California would be the perfect amount of distance.

We fell in love with this place as soon as we got here. We got a small house together and everything had been perfect. That was until I got my new job. I began to work in a restaurant a town over. It was a nice upscale one so my tips were great and enough to support Juice and myself until he found a job that used his computer skills.

One of the regulars, a rich man not much older than myself, began to ask me out and each time I politely declined. I didn't think much of it until he started sending me things. Flowers, chocolates, and letters. I returned everything and eventually, the flowers and chocolates stopped. The letters though became more and more threatening. Eventually, after a really stressful day, I confronted him when I found him standing by my car and told him that if he didn't stop then I would go to the police.

Something in him must have snapped at that because he slammed me into my car and grabbed my throat. He told me that if I didn't leave with him then he would come to my house and kill Juan while I watched. He let go of my throat and slammed me into the car again, just to make sure my back would bruise and then he left.

After that, I knew I had no choice. I had to keep Juice safe and if leaving him was the only option then that was what I was going to do. I went home that night and made love to Juan one last time. The next day when he went out to look for a job, I packed everything I could and left. The next five years of my life were hell with only one good thing that kept me going.

My good thing was currently sleeping in the backseat with a tight grip on her stuffed bunny. I didn't know that I was a month pregnant when I had left Juice. She looks so much like him. The only way you can tell that she's mine is because she has my eye color. She was also the reason I was coming back to find Juice. I was brought out of my musings when my car suddenly started to jerk forward and then stall right in the middle of the road.

"Fuck," I muttered under my breath. At least I was near downtown so I could go to a store and ask to call a tow. I checked to make sure my bruises were still covered and then I turned on my hazards and woke up Rosie. I picked her up and put her on my hip as we went into the barbershop. I explained the situation to the owner and he called a tow for me. After thanking him I went outside and waited.

After a bit, a tow pulled up and parked in front of my car. A man with wild hair got out and came up to me. He smiled at Rosie and me.

"Hey, dolls! My names Tig. Can you tell me what happened." He asked nicely.

"I've been driving for the past 12 hours with barely any breaks," I told him. He nodded.

"Alright, well would you two like to ride in the tow truck with me?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yes please." I smiled and he helped me get Rosie's car seat. Rosie and I got in the passenger side and I buckled her in the middle of the bench seat. She yawned and laid her head on my shoulder. I smiled and played with her hair as Tig drove us. We pulled into a lot that had a garage and a bunch of motorcycles on one side. He parked and we all got out. I put Rosie back on my hip.

"Okay doll, I need you to go into that office back there and talk to the lady. Her name is Gemma and she'll help you with the paperwork." He told me. I nodded and thanked him and then headed to the office. I knocked on the door and she said to come in.

"Hi, are you Gemma? Tig told me to come back here and fill out some paperwork. My car broke down." I told her. She smiled at me and Rosie.

"Sure, sweetheart." She started grabbing papers and I sat down on the chair across from her. She passed me some papers and I started to fill them out. Gemma started talking to Rosie.

"What's your name darlin?" Gemma asked.

"Rosie..." Rosie replied shyly.

"That's a pretty name baby." Gemma smiled and so did I. Rosie blushed and hid her face in my shoulder. Which made me giggle.

"I'm sorry, she's shy." I told Gemma.

"That's alright. How old is she?" Gemma asked.

"Almost 5." I said and handed back the papers I finished filling out.

"Treasure that age darlin. They grow up fast." She told me.

"Yeah... I know." I looked down at Rosie who still had her face pressed against my shoulder.

"Are you new in town? I don't remember seeing you before." Gemma asked me.

"Yeah, I lived here for a bit a couple of years ago but then I moved." I looked back at her.

"What brought you back?" Gemma asked.

"We are finding my daddy!" Rosie suddenly said excitedly. I looked at her in surprise and Gemma's eyebrows raised.

"Well, then I hope you find him, sweetheart." She said.

"Thank you," I said with a blush.

"My boys can help you," Gemma told me.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, your car is probably going to take a while though and the rest of the boys won't be back for a bit. Are you girls hungry?" Gemma asked. Rosie nodded and I laughed.

"Yes a bit," I told her. She smiled and nodded. She got up and went to the door.

"Sack!" She yelled and a skinny ginger came running over.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Go get three burgers and fries. You can get whatever you want to, hon." She took out some money and handed it to him. He nodded and headed towards the tow truck.

"Thank you. You didn't have to do that." I said.

"No problem. Come on let's go wait in the clubhouse." Gemma nodded her head towards the big building. I got up with Rosie and we followed her in. We went and sat on some couches in the corner and talked about random things until the ginger came in with the food.

We ate the food and I found out the guy's name is Kip but he goes by Half-Sack. After we ate Gemma showed me around. Half sack and Rosie were sitting on the couches and playing patty cake. Gemma and I were all the way in the back when we heard some motorcycles pull up.

"That's my boys. Don't worry, you'll hear them come in." She said as she showed me some pictures. Sure enough a minute later, I heard whooping and hollering.

"Aye who's this Sack?" I heard a Scottish voice say.

"This is Rosie. Her mom's car broke down and Tig's fixing it." I heard Half Sack reply.

"Ah, do you need anything darlin?" I heard another voice ask.

"No thank you," Rosie replied. I smiled as I heard Rosie giggle and we started heading back to the front.

"Hey, boys will you help the girls find someone?" Gemma calls down the hall.

"Sure, who we finding?" A deeper voice said. We came out into the main part of the clubhouse. I looked around at all the guys. My eyes stopped dead on the guy who was kneeling in front of my daughter. He was tickling her and I stood frozen to my spot.

"Juan..." I said softly. I saw him stiffen as he heard me and he turned slowly.

"Y/N?" He asked in a whisper.

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