Chapter 5

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WARNING- This took a dark turn

Reader's POV

I had been back to hell for a week but luckily Ryan's business trip had lasted longer then he was expecting and I didn't have to deal with him until yesterday. Ryan had called and told me that he was coming back then so I had been making dinner when he arrived. He came into the kitchen and looked around while I pretended to be busier with the food than I actually was.

"Where is she?" He asked referring to Rosie. 

"She is staying with Nina," I said calmly while turning to look at his reaction. He narrowed his eyes at me and his nostrils flared. 

"And who, may I ask, said that was okay?" He said with an edge to his voice. I took a deep breath and then smiled sweetly at him. 

"Well, I just thought that you had been gone so long that you would like to spend a couple of days with just the two of us..." I batted my eyelashes at him and tried to stop the oncoming wave of nausea that I felt at saying this. He stopped glaring and smirked at me. He went to the fridge and pulled out a beer. 

"You know sometimes you aren't a dumb bitch." He came over to me and kissed my cheek. "Now when will my food be done?" 

"In about ten minutes. Why don't you go relax and I'll make the table for us." I said. 

"No just make the table for me. You're getting fucking fat." He said while looking down at my body in disgust, I just nodded. 

"Okay, I'll make the table for you," I said. 

"Good." He said. He reached up and patted my hair softly before he suddenly took a handful and gripped it tightly. "And if I find any food missing later, I will have to teach you a lesson. You don't want me to have to teach you a lesson, do you sugar?" 

"No..." I said while taking in a shaky breath so I wouldn't whimper in pain. He smirked and gave my hair hard pull before releasing me. 

"Good girl, now move your ass." He said while going upstairs to change. 

After he ate dinner, I cleaned and then he fucked me until he was satisfied. Once he was asleep, I snuck into Rosie's room. I curled up into the fetal position on her floor with one of her stuffed animals and cried. I couldn't sleep so I just stayed in that spot until the sun started to peek through the curtains. 

At that point, I made my way off the floor and went to get ready for the day. I cleaned and then at about 9 I started to cook breakfast for him. He came into the kitchen right after I was finished. He smirked as he looked at me. 

"When's the brat coming back and ruining my day?" He asked as I made his plate. 

"She's staying with Nina for a couple of days," I said. He nodded. 

"This is how our lives should have been." He said and I dug my nails into my palm to refrain from saying anything stupid. "We should have gotten rid of the little monster when I suggested. You're just lucky I convinced everyone that she is mine." 

"Yes." I nodded and dug my nails in harder. I turned to face away from him and started scrubbing the counter.

"Think we could convince Nina to just take the little bitch?" He chuckled. I gritted my teeth. 

"Don't call her that," I said quietly. 

"Excuse me, what was that?" I heard the chair move and his feet approaching me. I turned around to face him as he stepped closer with an angry look on his face. 

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