Chapter 2

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Part 2

The whole club fell silent at this point. The boys and Gemma looked between Juice and me, we didn't speak just stared at each other.

"You know each other?" Gemma asked as she put one hand on her hip and raised an eyebrow at us. Juice shook his head and broke eye contact with me to look at Rosie.

"Yes," I answered Gemma softly.

"She's... she's your daughter..." Juice said quietly. He looked back at me and stood up suddenly. "She's your daughter!"

"Juice no... It's not like that!" I said as I realized he thought I cheated on him.

"Don't lie to me!" He yelled. I flinched. "Why else would you have left?" He started to walk back towards the dorm. Rosie was looking at me with wide eyes and I sighed. I didn't want to do this-this way.

"She's yours!" I yelled at his back. He froze and his head turned slightly.

"What?" He asked as he turned around to face me.

"You're her dad, Juice," I said and then looked at Rosie. She was looking at me with wide eyes and tears started to form in my eyes. I looked back at Juice who was staring at me. "She is yours."

I was suddenly reminded that there were other people in the room when a blond guy cleared his throat.

"Um let's give them some privacy." He said and headed towards the exit. Everyone followed him out and all that was left was Juice, Rosie, and me. Juice was looking at Rosie.

"I'm sorry... that I accused you." He said while not looking at me.

"It's alright. I understand." I said.

"Mommy..." Rosie called softly.

"Yes, baby?" I looked over at her.

"Is he really my daddy?" She asked.

"Yeah, baby girl he is." I nodded. She looked at him.

"Daddy?" She asked softly. Juice's eyes widened and I saw him start to tear up.

"Yeah?" He said softly.

"Is that you?" She pointed to a picture on the wall and I almost started laughing as I realized that it was a mugshot.

"Yes." He chuckles, she looks at it and back to him.

"Can I see more pictures, daddy?" She asked, he stuttered and looked at me.

"She likes looking through photo albums," I told him and he nodded.

"Well um, I would have to find them." He said to her.

"Okay." She nodded at him and I smiled.

"Juice?" I asked softly. He tore his eyes away from our daughter and looked at me.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Do you think Gemma could watch over Rosie? I think that we should talk." I told him.

"Yeah, we do. I'll go ask her, just wait here." He said then went out the front door of the clubhouse and I went over to Rosie.

"Hey baby girl, is it okay if mommy and daddy talk for a little bit?" I asked her as I sat down next to her.

"That's fine mommy. Does daddy like me?" She looked up at me.

"Oh baby, of course, he does. He's just a little surprised. Remember I told you he didn't know about you before today." I told her and she nodded. We started talking about random things and after a couple of minutes, Juice came back in with Gemma.

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