Chapter 4

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Juice's POV

It had been a week since I had become a dad and I was loving it. Sure, I had Gemma and the guys helping me out and everything until I could figure it out for myself. I was getting better at it though. She was actually going to bed on time for me now without me having to call Uncle Chibs to come help. 

It didn't bother Chibs to come help, in fact, all of her uncles were always excited to come to see her. In fact, I was currently laughing my ass off while watching Happy having a tea party with Rosie. They both had on tiaras and sparkly bracelets. I had made sure to get plenty of pictures of this moment. I even got a picture of Happy covering Rosie's eyes and flipping me off. I had sent all of the club the pictures and Happy threatened to gut me. 

Someone knocked on the door and I stopped laughing long enough to go and answer it. I opened the door and Tig and Chibs were standing on the other side. 

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked. 

"Oh, you think we'd miss seeing this in person?" Tig asked as they went to the kitchen to see Happy. 

"Oh brother what have ya gotten yourself into?" Chibs laughed. 

"Shut up." Happy crossed his arms over his chest.

"Uncle Chibs! Uncle Tiggy!" Rosie shouted as she got down from the table and ran over to hug them. They smiled and Chibs picked her up and hugged her. He passed her over to Tig and he hugged her too. 

"Hey, doll." Tig smiled as he set her back down. 

"Are you here to join my tea party?" She smiled at them. They both looked at each other and gulped. 

"Sorry love but I don't think we can," Chibs said. Rosie's bottom lip quivered. 

"Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee." She begged and looked up at them with wide eyes, they groaned. 

"Alright doll, whatever you want," Tig said and Rosie smiled brightly. Happy and I chuckled. Chibs glared at me. 

"Sweetheart I think your da wants to join too," Chibs smirked at me and I glared at him. 

"Oh! Come on daddy!" She went back to the table and we all followed and the tea party started. It honestly wasn't too bad until Tig noticed my nails.

"Dude! Your nails!" Tig laughed. I groaned and looked down at the blue nail polish that I had forgotten about. Rosie had wanted to paint nails last night and I had to talk her out of using pink. 

"Shut up," I grumbled and everyone laughed. 

"Don't they look pretty? I did them myself!" Rosie said happily. 

"They are beautiful lass," Chibs said as he leaned over and kissed her head softly. Rosie smiles brightly. 

"Yeah, they are great, doll!" Tig reached over and ruffled her hair playfully. Happy gave a grunt and a nod. Which usually meant he approved. Rosie was very happy with her uncle's approval. We continued on with the tea party for a little while until Chibs got a call from Clay for all of us to come in right away. He told Chibs that Gemma was on her way to pick up Rosie so I could use my bike. We put away Rosie's tea party things and I packed her a bag just in case it got too late.
As soon as I finished packing the bag, someone knocked on the door. Tig let Gemma in and Rosie went up to give her aunt Gemma a hug. Gemma smiled and picked Rosie up.

"Ready to go sweetheart?" Gemma asked Rosie. Rosie nodded and Gemma grabbed her bag from me. "Give daddy a kiss darlin." 

"Bye, daddy!" Rosie leaned over and kissed my cheek. I smiled and kissed her head. 

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