Chapter 3

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Reader's POV

Since Tig was about done with my car, so we waited for him to finish. All the boys were excited to go shopping for their new "niece" which had me smiling. Rosie and Juice deserved that, a big family that loved them. The more time I spent around the Sons, the more comfortable I felt leaving Rosie with them.

I didn't want to leave her at all but after him nearly beating me to death, I couldn't have her there with him if something did happen to me. I also couldn't stay here with her and Juice because he would track us down and kill Juice and possibly Rosie. And Juice couldn't know about what I was going back to. He wouldn't let me leave if he knew the truth. So I had to keep that a secret too.

It was worth it though to see Rosie smile. She was so happy to be spending time with her dad. Once she warmed up to him and everyone else, she couldn't stop talking. She adored her dad already and she had taken a liking to the rest of the Sons as well. Out of the rest of them, she seemed to like Chibs the most. Probably because of his accent. She had already started calling all of them Uncle too.

I was listening to her tell her dad about how she wanted a puppy when Tig came into the office to tell us the car was finally finished. The Sons that were in there smiled and went to go get there ready to shop. Juice, Rosie, and I went to go get her car seat in the car and get her in.

"Y/N," Juice said and I turned to look at him as I finished buckling in Rosie.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Can I... Can I uh ride with you and Rosie?" He asked nervously, I smiled and nodded.

"Of course," I told him. He smiled and kissed my cheek then he got in the passenger side. I smiled and got in the driver's side. The boys started up their motorcycles and started pulling out.

"Just follow them alright?" Juice said. I nodded and followed them to the small stores.

"When did you get into all this?" I asked gesturing towards the guys.

"Shortly after you left." He told me. I just nodded and we all parked and I followed the boys into a hardware store.

"What are we doing here?" I asked Juice.

"I need paint for Rosie's room." He said.

"Aye, what's your favorite color little lass?" Chibs asked Rosie.

"Blue!" She smiled.

"What kind of blue princess?" Juice asked.

"All kinds." She said and we all laughed.

"Okay, doll what do you think of this shade?" Tig said while holding up a light blue paint sample that actually kinda matched his eyes.

"Or this?" Happy held up a darker shade of blue paint sample. I think it was navy blue.

"What about a teal?" Half sack held up a teal paint sample.

"Really? Teal?"Happy raised an eyebrow at him.

"What? Teal is a pretty color!" Half sack defended.

"Sure it is..." Tig said in a sarcastic voice. I giggled at the big badass bikers who were arguing over colors. Juice smiled at me and then looked down at Rosie.

"Go ahead and pick whatever color you want. Don't listen to your silly uncles' opinion." Juice told her.

"Hey! Her silly uncles have good points. Well besides Sack." Tig said.

"I can hear you!" Half Sack stated.

"Well, we could always get a big thing of the light blue and get a smaller thing of the dark blue and put swirls of it over the light blue," Juice said, the boys paused and looked at him.

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