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Ava hides behind the wall with everyone, waiting for the trap to be sprung. As Kane's army rides in, she crouches a bit, looking past them. As the horses start to pass her spot, she moves back. Come on Gwen, she thinks.

"Somethings wrong," Merlin mutters. He quickly sprints off across the field, causing sll eyes to turn towards him. As darts fly towards him, Ava mutters enchantments under her breath. Nothing touches him as he makes it to Gwen's hiding place.

Once the flames erupt, the fences fly up. With the steeds in a frenzy, many fighters get thrown off. Everyone follows Arthur out to fight. Ava strikes down anyone who opposes her. She sees that the leader has her dagger strapped to his side, though she won't be able to get it.

Another man comes flying towards her, causing her to have to block his blade. The sound of screams, grunts, and metal clinging together cut through the air. She fights the dangerous men as they approach. She jumps back to avoid an axe. A strong wind starts to pick up, knocking the enemies back. Her eyes scan the field, finding Merlin and Will standing in the center of the wind storm. The opposing army takes off. All but the leader.

"Arthur Pendragon," he calls out once the winds die down. He throws off his helmet as the prince walks over.

"I think you have my friend's dagger," he points out.

"No. You see, her father caused this scar with this blade."

He goes to attack Arthur, who easily blocks the blade. The two go at it, preforming a dark, twisted dance. Eventually Arthur stabs him, knocking him down. Once the man falls, Arthur turns towards Merlin and Will.

"Who did that?" He snaps. "I know magic when I see it."

Ava notices Kane reaching for a crossbow.

"Watch out," she calls, fumbling for one on a corpse. Kane fires, but the dart flies into Will. Only because Will jumped in between the two. Ava fires into Kane's chest killing him.

"Get him inside," Arthur orders. Men carry him into a near by house, laying him on the table. Ava hurries in. Will is gasping for air, trying to hold onto life.

"You took an arrow for me," Arthur mutters.

"That's twice I saved your life. I cast the spell."

"You're a sorceror?"

He nods his head.

"What are you going to do? Kill me?"

"No. Of course not."

The prince ushers all but Merlin out of the hut. Ava looks out as the villagers clean up after the battle. Merlin's mother walks over, carrying her dagger. She thanks her, to which the older lady asks for her help. Ava gladly follows to help.

"I know about you and my son," she states. "I'm glad it's someone like you he's found. You will keep his secret?"

"I would never do anything that would put him in harm's way." She glances out to see Merlin exit the house. "Even if it means dying."

He walks over to discuss the idea of staying. His mother protests, but Ava finds a solution. Since he needs to be by Arthur's side, she willingly stay behind to watch the village. A temporary fix, but it will do. Though he protests the idea, she gives him no say in the decision.


Ava watches the sun rise over the trees, leaning against the house. Merlin walks out, going next to her.

"You can still join us," he states. "It could be dangerous traveling by yourself."

"Yes. But someone needs to be here for a bit."

"Just promise to be safe."

"Same for you."

The two watch the sun start to rise further in the sky. Soon others will start to wake up. Ava weaves her fingers into his. They look at each other and turn slightly red. Just a small moment between the two of them.

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