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A sharp ringing sound pulls Ava out of her half sleep state. She presses against her ear as it continues. The warning bell begins, causing for her to jump out of bed. As she puts on a pair of shoes, her bedroom door flies open. Morgana looks beyond piss.

"Uther is threatening to kill Tom on false charges."

Ava mutters out a few cuss words before taking off towards the meeting hall. Uther and Arthur are already there, discussing in a low voice.

"You plan on excuting Gwen's father?" She snaps, storming in.

"He was consulting a known sorcorer."

"Where is your proof?" Arthur holds a gold block. "That is not substantial enough to put a man's life on the line. It is possible he didn't know. That he was trying to provide for his daughter."

"I have already explained this to Morgana," Uther snaps. "He is to be executed for treason."

Ava slams her hand on the table, actually pulling the men's attention to her.

"You are suppose to be the king who is merciful in these kingdoms. But if you kill every person with the slightest hint of magic, it just goes against it."

"I suggest you watch what you say."

She stares him straight in the eye. Arthur tries to move her away from the king, but she pulls away from the prince. She was not done.

"You know as well as I Tom does not deserve to die. He has always been loyal. The gold be payment and you want to kill him for it."

Uther motions for a couple guards to take her away. They basically drag her to the dungeons where she sits in a cell alone. Her hands are cuffed in chains on the wall, limiting how far can move.


The cast iron door swings open to reveal knights dragging in Morgana. They use a set of cuffs connected to the floor before locking the door. The two sit in silence for a bit.

"They killed Tom," the dark hair maiden informs the other. "I tried to help him escape, but they killed him on sight." She wipes a couple tears away, looking at the red head. "How can he do this?"

"He lets his anger blind him."

The two women sit in the cell, waiting for the sunrise. Even from here, they can hear the heart tearing scream from Gwen seeing her father's corpse. If anyone deserves to have happiness, it's her. And this is how she is repaid. By having her only family taken from her. Soon the guards enter to let the two ladies go free.

They walk side by side to each of their rooms. Ava makes sure Morgana is safely in hers before heading to her own room. She prepares to change when Gwen walks in. The poor girl has red puffy eyes and seem like she hasn't slept a wink. Ava automatically wraps her arms around her, letting the maiden cry. She does the best to comfort her, unsure what to do.

"You know no one would be upset if you took the day off," Ava informs her. "You need rest."

"No," Gwen responds, pulling away. She wipes away the tears. "I need to keep busy."

Before Ava could respond, Gwen leaves. The lady prepares to chase after her, but is stopped by Arthur entering her chambers.

"What do you want?"

"It took a lot of convincing for my father to let you and Morgana go."

"Do you want me to thank you?"

"No. But I need you to promise me that you'll be careful around him."

"And you care why?"

He paces around trying to find the right words.

"I just don't want you getting hurt."

"Too late for that."

She pushes past him, but he quickly stops her. He grasps the top of her arm to keep from leaving.

"My father could do worse. Especially if he finds out if there is someone you care about."

She can't look him in the eyes as she processes these words. Is it possible he knows and just won't admit it? There is no way the prince is dimwitted enough not to know about her and Merlin. Why else would he warn her? She thanks him before pulling away. She walks off and hurry through the castle.

It is quite easy to avoid the guards. She has to protect him. Ava knocks on the door and Merlin opens it. He pulls her in, looking at her wrists. This is the first time she's actually looked at them herself. They're covered in bruises and blisters from the cuffs.

"I was hoping Arthur was wrong," he mutters. She pulls her arms away, taking a shaky breath.

"Merlin, we must stop this."


Tears start stinging her eyes, threatening to fall. He looks hurt and confused.

"We can't keep being together. I'm sorry, but I'm ending it here before it gets out of hand."

And before Uther tries to hurt you.

"Ava, if yoy're doing this to prot-"

"Merlin I have lost everyone I loved. I can't loose you. I'm sorry."

She quickly turns to leave, tears running down her face. She pushes past Gaius as he enters the home. She hurries towards her room, trying to hold back a sob. Whether she hurts now or not, it has to be the right choice. It protects Merlin. That's what matters.

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