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Merlin shifts slightly, waking up. He turns to see Ava snuggled up against him. At this rate, they surely will get caught. It's not that been doing anything bad, it's just she still has nightmares and he can't let her suffer like this. This has been going on for a couple weeks now, ever since he kissed her. He didn't expect her to pull him in another kiss though. He pushes a stray curl behind her ear, causing her to stir.

"Morning," she mutters, half asleep.

"Morning m'lady."

She half heartingly punches him in the stomach.

"You know I hate when you say that."

"That's why I say it."

"You ass," she mumbles, sitting up. Her eyes look around the room at the packet bags. She has to leave for a required meeting not too far from her family home. She was suppose to do it before, but the village was attacked. The thing is, she has to go alone since she is meeting with some Druids. She gets out of bed, walking towards her changing screen. Grabbing a light blue shirt and black pants, she changes.

"So how long do you think you'll be gone?" Merlin asks as he gets up.

"A week at most. Just depends on how much we have to go through."

She steps out once changed, placing on her necklace. Merlin tosses a vial of sleeping draught, which she shoves in her bag. He then tosses the box with her family seal in it, which she also packs.

"That should be everything," she mutters to herself.

"Almost everything," Merlin smirks, pulling her closer. He kisses her lips softly.

"Is that what I was missing?"

"No. You don't have shoes on."

He laughs, causing her to hit him. She puts on her riding boots as Merlin puts on his.

"Be safe," he orders before slipping out of her chambers. She braids her hair before grabbing the bag. Throwing on her cloak, she heads down to the stables. In no time she is off. The horse flies out of Camelot with her on top. The wind pushes her hood back off of her head. Though the rush of air stings her eyes a bit, she pushes the horse to go faster. Sooner this is over with, sooner she gets back home.

She keeps riding, only stopping as needed. Eventually she arrives at a campsite not too far from where her home was. There are a few Druids tending to pots over fire while others are teaching children how to hone their gifts. She slides of her horse, tying the reigns to a branch. Some look at her while others ignore her. One specific woman hurries over to her. She looks distraught.

"Have you seen Cerdan or Mordred?" She asks. Her black hair is a complete mess and she looks as she hasn't got any sleep. "They were suppose to meet you along the road."

Ava's heart drops. She's seen her with a small boy before, and know who Cerdan is, but didn't see them on the way here. She shakes her head, causing the woman to start crying. She places her hands on her shoulders.

"Hey. Hey. They may be back soon."

Even saying it though, she knew it wasn't true. There is a good chance Uther found them. The leader of the group arrives and places his hand on Ava's shoulder.

"Come we have much to discuss."

He leads her to the center tent. He motions for to sit, which she does.

"Did you know about me having-"

"Magic? Yes. Your parents wished for us not to train you in our ways. For your safety of course."

"And what if I wish to learn now?"

"Emrys lives in the same city as you."

She thinks for a second, trying to remember what she learned about him.

"Isn't he suppose to be the most powerful sorceror?"

"Yes he is."

"Who is he then?" She requests.

"I do not know what his regular name is. Sorry I do not know more."

"No. It's fine."

He pulls out a scroll and they start going through it. Maybe this meeting won't take too long. They start going through all the Druid deals her and her family were involved with. Just so much needed to be covered in this time period.

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