8| Meeting 'her' Again

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It was Saturday, and Colby was ready to fly out to Kansas. It was currently 9 in the morning and Sam was waking up. Colby was in the kitchen area eating some cereal while scrolling through Twitter.

Then Sam walk out of his room rubbing the sleepiness off his eye. "Sup dude" Sam said yawning. "Hey" Colby said looking up to Sam. Sam goes and grab a bowl and a box of cereal, pour them in his bowl then poured a milk in his bowl.

He sits beside Colby, "when is your flight?" Sam ask taking a spoon full of cereal. "In 4 hours" Colby said. Colby was a little quiet this morning because of yesterday, well he just got into an argument with his mom about his daughter who wouldn't be mad right?

"Well I hope everything went well man" Sam said patting Colby's back. Colby turn to Sam and smile lightly at him. "Thanks" Colby said finishing his cereal then washing his bowl and went back to his room. Sam sigh and shake his head.

Colby take his duffel bag and put some sweatpants and some shirt then he zipped it up put it beside his bed. He take his phone and pulled up a picture of Vee giggling while sitting in a restaurant when they had a family dinner. He smiled as his eyes swell with tears after having the thought of Vee being sad.

After that he film a video for Sam and Colby channel this week then he have about 1 more hours because he needs to arrive at the airport 1 hours early. "Ay man can you drive me to the airport?" Colby ask Sam. "Yeah of course! So you left your car here?" Sam ask. "Yep" Colby said. Since Sam doesn't even have a car yet he always use Colby's but Sam said he probably would buy one next month.

Then Sam drove Colby to the airport all the way there they talk about their career that would probably involve Vee soon. Sam agreed that Colby tell their subscribers about Vee. Sam doesn't like keeping her as a secret that would just make their subscribers feel stupid and thought of something else of it. Yes they did announce that they WERE single but the subscribers didn't know about Vee and Colby's past.

"I think it would be better we told them about Vee" Sam said referring to their subscribers. "When the time is right I will" Colby said. See? He was stubborn. He didn't want Vee to be in the spotlight just yet. He probably wait until she turn 2 or something.

"Okay dude we're here" Sam said stopping the car in front of the airport entrance. "Aight man thanks" Colby said taking his duffel bag from the backseat. "See you later" Colby said waving to Sam. Sam smile and waved back them he drove away as Colby walk into the airport.

He goes to grab some starbucks and get into the line then he notice a familiar face that he might met before. "Hey! Your name is Colby Right?" The girl said. "Uh yeah? Who are you? You look like someone I've met before" He explain putting his hand in his pocket showing how nervous he is.

"It's Y/N, Remember? Gas station?" She said. Then suddenly the memory pops up in his head. Oh! The girl that he meet at the gas station a while back. "Oh yeah! Hey!" He said. "So where are you going?" She ask walking up a bit as the people in front of her walks up.

"Oh um, Kansas" Colby said as he look on the menu of what he should get. "What?!" Y/N said unbelievable. "Oh sorry! I'm going there too actually" She said embarrassed. "Oh wait really?" Colby said.

Then they talk until they sit down waiting to board the plane. "Well that's the story of my life" Colby said explaining about his duo channel and Vines.

"Rest in peace Vine you will be miss" Y/N said putting her hand on her chest. Colby chuckle. Then a voice came up saying that the plane to Kansas is ready to depart.

"Okay let's go" Colby said getting up. They both get in the plane and without knowing they both sits beside each other. "Is this plan?" Y/N ask. Colby shrugged. "I don't know" Colby said.

"Well at least we have times to know each other better" Y/N said and wink jokingly making Colby laugh. "Yeah" Colby said looking at Y/N. He just notice how the way she laugh and the way she smile can make himself happy. He never felt like this ever since Jess leave him.

After 2 hours of chatting and 1 hour of sleeping they finally arrived in Kansas. "Well can I have your number?" He said getting out of the airplane with Y/N. "Yesss" She said. He take his phones out and gave it to Y/N. She dialled in her name and gave it back to him.

"I hope we meet again soon!" Y/N said. "We will don't worry" Colby said. "Well I gotta go! See you soon" Y/N said as she walks towards a black SUV. And then the car drove away.


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