23| This Is My Daughter. "Vee"

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"Okay bubs stay right here" Colby said as he pointed to his bed while Vee sits up properly. Colby walk towards his study table and take his camera.

He somehow finally get to set up the camera so he and Vee can fit into the view. Colby take a deep breath before clicking the record button. "What's up guys it's Colby Brock welcome back to my channel" Colby said in a serious tone.
Vee just look at her dad like he was crazy.

This confused her so much. 'Why does dada always have that thing?' She thinks. "So today's video is going to be a little different.." Colby trailed off looking at Vee on his bed looking at him with a cute smile making him smile.

"I want you all to meet, my daughter Vee" Colby said smiling. "Vee come here" Colby said opening his arms towards Vee. Vee walks on the bed towards him and jump into his arms. "This is my daughter Genevieve Aurora Brock" Colby said kissing Vee's head.

"Say hi Vee" Colby said waving to the camera. "Hi!" Vee said waving excitedly at the camera. "How old are you?" Colby ask pushing some of the baby hair out of Vee face. Vee look at her fingers then putting up 1 fingers to the camera.

"Good job" Colby said kissing her head again. "So guys please don't freak out. How she got here was a long story and very personal so I'm not going into that story but today, I'm going to vlog my day with Vee" Colby explains making Vee clap.

Colby stops recording and turn to Vee. "Today we are going out for a daddy's daughter date" Colby said. "Okay" Vee replied. Colby quickly grab his camera and lead Vee downstairs to his car.

"So?" Sam ask as he spotted the two trying to sneak out without everyone noticing. "I'm filming it and we're going out for a bit" Colby explain to Sam. Sam smile and nodded. "Just be careful" Sam warns as the two run out of the house. Sam sigh as the both disappeared.

After strapping Vee in the car he get in the driver seat and drove away. While in the car, Vee and Colby sings along to what ever songs were playing. They were actually just screaming the lyrics.

Then 30 minutes later, they arrived at the mall. "We're here!" Colby announces making Vee clap her hands happily. Colby get Vee out and of course the camera too.

They both enter the mall and Colby ask "where do we go first?" to Vee. Vee look up to Colby and smiled. "I on know" Vee said shrugging. Colby laugh a bit and... the day started.

Then a few hours of spending time together, all the things they did was recorded so Colby can have some content to upload on youtube. "Tired, huh?" Colby ask Vee who was rubbing her eyes in the back seat of the car.

"Yeah" Vee answer then yawning. "I think that's all for today guys! Thanks for joining in! Just don't freak out!" Colby joked. "Like seriously, BUT ANYWAYS. Thank you I'll see you guys in the next video!" Colby said closing the camera lens with his hand.

"Okay bubs let's go back home!" Colby said pulling out from the parking space at the mall.

The One [𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐛𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫]Where stories live. Discover now