14| Aunt Kat

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After giving Vee a bath. Colby dressed her up in a shorts and a disney shirt. "Colby! Kat will be here any minutes now!" Sam yelled out.

"Okay!" Colby yelled back. "Vee c'mon" Colby said to Vee who was playing on his bed with her plush toys. She quickly jumped down from his bed and grab his hand.

"Okay,We're going to meet Aunt Kat for the first time!" Colby said cheerfully. Vee look at him with a hopeful face. "Okay" Vee whispers.

They both walked out of the room and sit on the couch waiting for Kat. Sam was standing up while playing on his phone. They heard the door being open and "Hey!" A female voice squealed.

"Hey Kat!" Sam greeted her. "Hi Col-" she cut herself off when she saw Vee wide eyes looking at her. "Who's this little cutie?" Kat ask sitting beside Vee.

"Kat..This is my daughter Genevieve" Colby explains looking at Vee so dearly. "Whoa! You never told me you have a daughter!" Kat said laughing nervously.

"Yeah I just don't know how but here is she!" Colby said. "Hi" Vee said looking back at Kat. "She so cute!" Kat gushed.

Kat and Vee get along very well together. Vee with her cheerful attitude and Kat with her bubbly personality. Well, they got along too well that they forgot the boys were there.

"Hey! Hey! We're here too ya' know" Colby said playfully. Vee giggles at him. "Hey! That's not nice!" Colby said crossing his arm.

"Do your fan knows about her?" Kat ask handling Vee her plush elephant that she was playing with her early. Colby was about to answer but Sam beat him to it.

"He said one day he will" Sam said huffing playfully at his best friend. "It's for the best" Colby said sighing. Kat look over to Vee who was already yawing and rubbing her eyes with her cute fist.

"I think someone's tired" Colby teases. Vee stand up and walk over to Colby then stand between his legs looking up to Colby with tired eyes. "I tired" Vee whine. "Okay" Colby said picking up Vee and put her on his lap.

"Put her to bed, she's probably going to sleep on your lap anyways" Sam advices Colby. Colby look at Vee and then nodded. "I'll be back" Colby said standing with Vee in his arm. Kat and Sam nodded.

"Aight bye Vee" Kat said in a baby voice and waving her off. "Bye" Vee replied waving back at her. They both walk to to Colby's room then Colby laid Vee down on his bed.

"Dada?" Vee called. "Yes?" Colby answer. "Is Aunt Kat will back?" Vee ask. Colby hesitate at first but he answers "yes of course". "Okay" Vee answer.

Colby gave her goodnight kisses eventhough it's not. Vee eyes slowly closed then she drift off. Colby smiled and put a pillow either beside her so she wouldn't fall.

Colby stand up and walked out back to where Sam and Kat was early. "Is she asleep?" Sam ask taking his eye off of his phone. "Yeah" Colby answered. "She so adorable!" Kat gushed making Colby chuckle.

"So Colby, Any girl?" Kat smirked asking that. Speaking of girl Y/N popped up in his mind making him take out his phone.

"Uh-" He was cut off by Sam. "Oo" Sam teases. "She's just a friend" Colby said blushing. "Really?" Kat said squinting her eyes towards Colby. "Mhm" Colby said. He texted Y/N.

Colby🦋: Hey! Remember me? Colby? By the way, Are you in LA or still in Kansas?

He waited for a bit but after 5 minutes he got a reply.

Y/N⚡️: Hey! Of course I remember you! And yes I'm in LA. What's up?

Colby🦋: Nothing much. But by any chance you're free tomorrow?

Y/N⚡️: Yes, I am free tomorrow

Colby🦋: Cool! Maybe you can come over to my place tomorrow?

Y/N⚡️: Yep!

Colby🦋: I'll send you the address later. Thank you❤️

Y/N⚡️: No probs

And with that the conversation ended. Colby can feel his cheeks heat up. Y/N isn't like this to other boys. Quickly accept to come over to their place but with Colby she feels a connection. A good connection.

"Who is that?" Sam ask smirking. "Nothing" Colby said shoving his phone in his back pocket. Sam and Kat look at each other smirking. "Oo!" They both teases.

"Stahp!" Colby said. "But Colby it's better you have someone for Vee, she needs mom figure in her life" Kat said. Colby nodded. "Yeah i know it's just that I'm not ready for anything like this to happen again" Colby expresses.

"Don't worry" Sam said patting Colby's shoulder. "Aight I'm going out with Kat I'll be back tonight" Sam inform. "Okay" Colby said.

"Wear protection" Colby whisper to Sam making him burst out laughing. "Got that!" Sam said jokingly then they both walked out of the apartment.

Colby smirk knowing that something happen between them while he was gone to Kansas. They were meant for each other.

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