Chapter 1 : A flashback to occupation

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I was there on a hospital bed in Sydney, Australia on the 21st of December in the year 2016. I lied there unconscious, not remembering what happened to me. It's weird how I can hear all these voices surrounding me while I'm like a dead bird.

Suddenly, I here this familiar voice. "Wake up baby don't die! I love you! We promised each other to live young together, grow old together, and die together. Wake up my beautiful love bird."

That voice and those words kept repeating in my head over and over again, until i recognized who it was. Its Evan Kstavjic, the only person that can make me smile no matter how down and blue i was, the only person that actually cares about me, and finally he's the only person that accepts me for being myself. He's right there beside me on that Australian hospital bed, gently feeling my cheeks with his soft warm hand.

I'll never forget the day I met Evan. I was 15 back then, and it was someday in the winter of 2013 when we met online. As any teenager would do I was meeting new people from all over the world on an online penpal site, it wasn't a social norm for people who were many years older than me, but to my generation it was. I was mainly looking for someone to cheer me up after Dave disappeared, stopped all contact with me, and broke my heart. To me, meeting new people from different places is an interesting way of socializing, as i felt doubly occupied. By doubly occupied I mean, that: 1- I live in a country in the middle east were I don't get much freedom, and 2- my family is conservative and strict, which also doesn't give me much freedom. I sometimes just have to live in sorrow.

Lets get back to the story of how I met Evan, I was chatting with a 17 year old Irish guy on the penpal site, and i kind of had feelings for him and he did have feelings for me too. I was a naive girl, so i considered him my boyfriend back then, since i never really had a boyfriend in real life. I would chat and skype with him almost every day, and he made me feel happy all the time. This lasted for a few weeks. I remember when I was texting him once, I got a message from someone I hadn't talked to before on the penpal site, at first I ignored him because i was too busy and I had the Irish guy to talk to, but then i had to text him back because he was annoying me with the thousands of texts he sent me every day.

"Hi" i texted the annoying guy. Surprisingly he replied to me as fast as wind."Hello beautiful" he replied. and our conversation went on like this:

"How come you call me beautiful and you still don't know me, and never saw me?"

"Well, I did actually see you if you are the same girl in the profile picture you have on the penpal site, and why were you ignoring me?"

"Oh, ok then. I wasn't actually ignoring you."

"Yes you were, I've been texting you every day, and this is the first time you reply."

"I was busy."

"If I may ask out of curiosity, busy with what?"

"Chatting with my boyfriend, and school."

"Oh you have a boyfriend?"

"Yes, why does it seem to bother you?"

"Hmmmm, because i think you deserve a better guy ;) "

"You don't know my boyfriend and you don't know me, you cant say that, and besides who's the better guy i deserve?"

"we will get to know each other, and well, its me that is better for you."

"You, but I don't know you."

"I told you we will get to know each other, you're so impatient. i like that."

"what do you like about me being impatient? it's kind of weird to like such a quality."

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