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After the messed up morning, Scar didn't dare to face Grace. Therefore after telling Gunner to drop him to the college he went to the office.

When Grace came down with an exhausted and gloomy look on his face, Gunner suspected that something was wrong between them. Otherwise they would have been quarreling with each other at least but today Scar didn't even say goodbye to him. What's wrong?

"Hey, good morning. Let's go.." Gunner greeted him but Grace just nodded indifferently and got into the car without looking at Gunner. He sighed and got into the car too.

On the way to college there was an awkward silence filled in the car. Gunner looked at the boy who was just sitting there like a zombie, he wanted to help him to clear the things between Scar and him. So Gunner decided to start the conversation first "you see, Scar is a bit indirect person when it comes to his feelings. So you both should understand and wait for each other __ " Gunner wanted to continue but Grace interrupted him

"Ya... He is really very indirect. He wanted to tell me that please remove your dress but was not able to tell me so he himself removed my clothes harshly. That's really very logical, big brother please don't take his side in front of me" Grace said with a tone filled with hatred. Gunner paused for a moment and said "did he... Did he force you to do something?" He asked hesitating a bit. Grace shook his head in denial and told everything to Gunner that happened this morning.

Gunner is more understanding and better than others, so Grace feels that he is able to communicate with him easily. And even Gunner consider him as a little brother so he always helps Grace with his problems.
Gunner breathed deeply "well this is complicated.. But you know that he is bit bad tempered sometimes, and he even warned you. So.. Actually I don't know what to tell you both. Well just try to be obedient to him for now, and I will try to talk to him." He said
'Seriously why can't they adjust with each other? They both have a bad problem of ego, can't deal with these guys'
Gunner dropped Grace at the entrance and left from there. Grace was walking towards the entrance when he felt that someone was standing behind him.
He turned around to see who it was.

It was a tall husky guy with a sly look on his face, the person looked at Grace and smiled politely "hey, nice to meet you.. Grace" he said with a sweet voice. Even though this man looks a bit rough and rude, but he has a nice voice and a polite manner.

Grace didn't know who this person was but he still greeted him back "hello, do we know each other?"

The man smiled and said "I know you but you don't know me. Well I am here to talk about Scar"

Grace who was smiling a bit now turned his expression to his previous cold one "please stop talking about him, I don't wanna discuss about him" and saying this  he turned his back at the person.

"Well, even if it's for your sweet revenge?" The man asked in a calm voice. This made Grace freeze his moments and turn back "wh.. What did you say?" He asked in a low tone
'Who is this guy? And how does he know about my revenge?'

The man laughed "well if you don't mind, we can discuss this over a coffee " the man suggested.

Grace stared at him for a while and said "who are you? I don't even know you.. What if you are a wrong person?"

"More Wrong than Scar?" He turned the question to him.

Grace thought for a second and agreed to it "only half an hour" he said. The man agreed and they went to the cafe that's near the college. Grace just wanted to know who this man was, and how does he know about his revenge.

"Well, let me introduce myself. I'm James, and I'm from the gang 'Knock out Kings'" he said.

Grace widened his eyes "the rival gang of 'The out siders'?"

MESSING WITH THE WRONG MAN. (MxB) {Completed} Where stories live. Discover now