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In the evening Breaker came to pick up Grace, but he was not alone Doremon was standing with him. They were talking with each other, suddenly they both jolted in surprise when they heard a loud voice of honking of the car. "Who the fuck is tha-" Doremon was about to shout at the stupid person but quickly shut his mouth when he saw that it was Breaker. Breaker stared at him intensely from head to toe and then turned his gaze to Grace "hey, lets go" he said.

Doremon felt bad that Breaker totally ignored his presence but he didn't say anything 'why is he ignoring me? I helped him that day and now he is ignoring me, all men are pigs. Huh..! wait why am I getting upset?'

"oh, brother can you wait here for a second? I forgot to take my book from the locker." Grace asked. Breaker smiled politely and nodded his head. And without wasting any time he ran from there, leaving Doremon and Breaker alone. Doremon stood there ignoring Breaker 'huh.. even I can ignore you' he played with his new bracelet, to stop himself from looking at Breaker. But after few seconds Doremon lost his patience and squinted his eyes slowly to look at Breaker, and for his surprise Breaker was already looking at him with a mocking smile plastered on his face. It caught Doremon off guard and he started coughing to cover his embarrassment to which Breaker chuckled.

"Why are you sulking? is it because I ignored you?" he asked in a mocking way. Doremon fluttered his eyes in embarrassment, his cheeks covered a light shade of pink
"n-no! who told you that I'm sulking? don't assume things ok."
he said, showing the embarrassment in his voice. Breaker chuckled "really?" he raised his eyebrows. Doremon looked away not saying anything, Breaker sighed "hey, can you help me with something?" he asked in a calm voice.

Doremon frowned a little and then nodded his head. "Well, is anyone bullying Grace in the college or maybe out of the college?" Breaker asked curiously, Doremon looked at him "uh.. I guess no. I mean he was hated a bit on the first day after the marriage but that was only for that day, I helped them to clear their thoughts and even outside.. I don't think so, because you people are always there to take care of him and in college we are there. So.. hey but why are you asking this? Is everything alright?" he asked a bit concerned and scared.

Breaker nodded his head "no.. actually there is nothing wrong but.. did he tell you anything about him and Scar recently?" he inquired more. Doremon thought for a second "uh.. about forcing him to remove his clothes?" he asked a bit embarrassed, Breaker coughed lightly before replying a no "actually, Grace apologized to Scar last night." and he then explained everything to him. Doremon looked at him with a jaw dropped expression "what!?" he asked in disbelief.

Doremon looked blankly at Breaker for a moment and after steadying his breath he continued "well maybe he is genuine, because he is behaving a bit strange now a days. So maybe he is trying to accept everything slowly? Well isn't it good then?" Doremon asked.

Breaker was a bit relieved by his statement so he nodded his head with a faint smile "well how about you give me your phone number?" he asked suddenly taking Doremon by surprise, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Breaker "w-why? So that you can ignore me again?" he asked pouting like a kid.

Breaker chuckled "oh, it means that you were affected by it?" he asked teasing him. Doremon opened his mouth in realization and looked at him "um.. no .. uh" he then quickly removed his phone from his pocket and handed it to Breaker. Breaker smiled and took it 'how adorable' he thought to himself. And after punching in the number to his phone he returned it to him. Doremon looked at Breaker with a rosy red cheeks paired with a cute smile, and without any hesitation Breaker smiled back at him.

"Uh.. am I missing something" Grace interrupted their sweet moment, he looked at them suspiciously. They both looked at him and smiled awkwardly "no-no... uh bye Grace i'm going" saying this Doremon ran from there like a shy little teenage girl in love. Breaker wanted to offer him a lift but before he could say anything he was long gone, he sighed and turned his gaze to Grace who was still in a daze.

MESSING WITH THE WRONG MAN. (MxB) {Completed} Where stories live. Discover now