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'Shit...!! what the hell.. I let him touch me? why.. why did I feel good by this?'

Grace looked at Scar who was busy talking on his phone and then thought 'ok, things are really complicated now. I seriously should message James and inform him that I am not with him anymore' he glanced at Scar one more time and fetched out his phone from his pocket. He looked at the contact name James and hesitated for a moment 'what will I say to him? wasn't I the one who agreed to it first? He is a gangster too.. if I deny him now, will he kill me?' Grace shuddered in fear at the thought of it. He then put his phone back into his pocket, he sighed and walked towards other games.

"Are you.. sure? That you saw him and no one else?" Scar asked on the phone, once again confirming the news he heard right now from Gunner. After hearing the answer from other side, Scar sighed "ok, I will see what to do. Bye" and after hanging up the call he looked at Grace and walked towards him with a smile "hey whiny little kid, lets go for lunch" he said with a voice filled with mockery. Grace looked at him "hey you...!! uh forget it, lets go i'm hungry" he said with bitter face. Scar chuckled and they both approached towards the car. After getting into the car Scar once again teased him "by the way, your teeth is really very sharp" he said looking at the red patch that was given by Grace on his hands. Grace looked at Scar who was grinning at him shamelessly

"Get lost!!" Grace said looking out of the window, Scar could see the shade of red that covered his little boy's cheek which made him smile. They soon reached a restaurant, Scar parked the car and both got inside the restaurant. "Well what will you like to eat?" Scar asked him. Grace thought for a second "I will decide once I look at the menu".

Scar booked a table for both of them and ordered a menu. After ordering there dishes they started talking about casual stuffs "Well how is your college going?" Scar asked

"Nothing special, just some boring stuffs" he said.

"Uh.. well you know. Mm I have many rivals out there who are planning to take me down and all. But they will never succeed and that's a fact that we all know but, they will surely try to hurt my people who are way weaker than me" Scar said.

And don't know why but Grace could feel something wrong in his heart as he felt a bit guilty "mm.. why are you saying that?" he asked. This sudden serious conversation made Grace a bit uncomfortable.

"The rival team 'The Knock Out Kings' the leader of that team is trying to plot something against me. But he definitely cant get near me and cannot hurt me directly. But I also know that things are not like before, before I didn't had anything to lose" Scar said In a low voice. He looked at Grace with a warm smile and continued "But now.. I have you"

Grace looked at Scar a bit awestruck. "I cant afford to lose you right now. The feeling of family... now I know what it feels like. I am starting to feel the emotions inside me liven up again" he said with a hoarse voice. Grace looked at him for a while, 'should I feel sad or happy? He accepting me as his family.... it feels good to hear something like this" and without him knowing he held Scars hand which was on the table. Scar looked up at Grace and then at their intertwined hands "Scar, don't worry. I know that you and your friends will take care of me" he said in a comforting tone. Scar smiled and tightened the grip of their hands, he looked straight into his eyes "m.. I hope so but...." He took a dramatic pause before continuing " if any stranger offers you a candy don't go with them okay?" He said trying to control his laugh.

Grace looked at him and then yelled "get lost!!" He knew it that Scar wouldn't let go of any chance to tease him. Even though he was pouting and bickering with Scar but inside his heart he was confused to the core.

On one side he wanted to kill this person who ruined his childhood but on the other side he can't do that because he is not used to such cruelty and also it is impossible to ignore this guy's kindness. Even after he scammed him in a fake scandal he still didn't punish him much, like how he punishes other people. Even though he married him forcefully he is still ready to take his responsibility, how can he kill a person who is taking care of him so much.
'Oh god what do I do?' he cried inside his heart.

"Grace, what happened ? You alright?" Scar snapped him out of his thoughts. Grace looked at him with a blank expression and said "uh? Ya I'm ok. Why?" Scar stared at him for a second and said "you look a bit pale? Is something bothering you?" he asked with concern filled in his voice. Grace shook his head "no.. No nothing. I was just.. Spacing out" he said with a faint smile.

"Grace,Is it because what I said right now? About that you don't have to think much, as you said we are there to protect you. OK?" Scar said with an assuring smile. Grace just stared at him saying nothing, by the time they had their food it was already 6 o clock

"Hey, let's pay the bill quickly its already 6. it will take 45 minutes to reach the club" Scar said to which Grace simply nodded. He called for the waitress, the waitress came with the bill and glanced at both of them. Grace smiled at her politely, She looked at Grace and chuckled. Grace felt that something was weird but didn't say anything, on the way to the concert he asked Scar "is there something on my face? Back there at the restaurant .. I feel like that waitress was laughing at me"

Scar looked at him and smiled, he then turned the rear view mirror towards him. Grace frowned a bit at his actions and looked at the mirror 'oh shit!!'
It was then Grace noticed the love bite on his chin, which Scar gave him as a payback. "Scar she saw the love bite... Wait !? everyone must have seen this! Shit!!! Its all because of you, I hate you... Ahh! How shameful" and all the way to the concert Grace kept on scolding Scar.





Meanwhile James

"Well, why do I feel like our little boy Grace is not going to help me in this" he said as he looked Grace and Scar getting inside the club. "Well I guess he can still be useful against my friend.....Scar"


Thank you for reading 😊

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MESSING WITH THE WRONG MAN. (MxB) {Completed} Where stories live. Discover now