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'what is wrong with me? why am I feeling better after hearing his words? is it because whatever he is saying .. its genuine?'

Grace washed his face and came down to the table where his food was already served by Scar himself.

Scar looked at him and smiled faintly "uh... lets eat. I have already served everything so.." he said while arranging everything on the table. Grace didn't say anything and sat down looking at his plate, Scar looked at him and sighed "well..... to compensate what I did today, I will take you out to play. How's that?" he asked in a calm voice. Grace looked up at him with his little eyes, which was still swollen because of all the crying. Scar felt bad because he knows that he himself is the reason which made Grace look so exhausted like this, he averted his gaze towards his plate to avoid looking at his sad face. "where?" Grace asked in a hoarse voice.

"Uh... wh.. Where? Wherever you want, I will take you there." Scar said feeling a bit better, at least Grace is willing to go out with him. Grace nodded his head and after thinking for a while he said "can we go to a concert?" he asked in a low voice. Scar smiled and nodded his head "Yes. whatever you want. But what.. concert?" Scar asked a bit curious

"uh.. its a rock band. CODE X7" he said pursing his lips, he felt a little embarrassed. Scar frowned and thought for a while "uh... what code? Weren't you talking about band?" he asked. Grace looked at him with astonishment "ha..!? You don't know CODE X7? Its a rock band, its pretty famous among the youths." he said.

"Oh.. that, I know about it I just.. uh.. So are they going to show up for a concert some where?" Scar asked a bit embarrassed.

"Yes, its in the Black Fox club, can you take me there?" he asked.

"I will do whatever it takes to make you feel better and to compensate the hurt I gave you" Scar said in a low voice. Grace bit his lips while he looked at Scar 'No. This is not working, the more he acts nice with me the more I feel guilty. I feel like to stop all this bullshit, should I tell James that I cant do this?' Grace's face scrunched as he thought about this. "Uh is anything wrong?" Scar asks when he saw Grace's changing expressions. Grace shook his head "uh nothing... can I go and get ready? I have to complete some of my college stuff" he asked.

Scar smiled and nodded happily. Grace went inside his room and started doing his stuffs, suddenly his phone buzzed. He picked up to see who it was, it was a message from James.

'Grace, how are the things going on between you and that devil? Don't you think we should proceed to our plan?'

Grace looked at it feeling a bit scared 'i was the one who wanted to kill him, then why am I scared now. Maybe because killing and hurting people is not my thing.... But I guess by now I am pretty messed up'

*Knock Knock*

Grace snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the knock on the door "Are you ready ? lets go" Scar said. Grace shoved the phone inside his pocket and opened the door "uh.. its still early, the concert is at 7pm. and now its just 1 o clock in the noon"

"Ya I know, I thought we could just play some games and then have lunch and things like that. You k.. know we should spend more time together." he said feeling a bit nervous. Grace just stared at him for a while "are you sure? I mean what about your work?"

"oh, that you don't have to worry. Breaker and Gunner will manage it" Scar said with an assuring smile.

"But, my assignments are sti-"

"oh come on, today is Sunday and you should take rest on Sundays. Aren't you bored of studies? Now come on, i am waiting down with my car" Scar said and left from there.

MESSING WITH THE WRONG MAN. (MxB) {Completed} Where stories live. Discover now