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"You knew everything mom! Then why *sniff* why did you hide it from me... ? Look what I have done, I hurt the person you entrusted me to"

"Doremon, Tracy just try to make him calm. As I told you, tell him that it was not his fault and he don't have to cry over it now" Gunner explained both of them. It has been an hour or two and Grace is not allowing anyone to talk to him or come inside his room. After the meeting when they came to see if he was okay they came to know that he has locked himself in the room.

Scar himself was not able to face him therefore he asked Breaker to call his friends so they can handle him. Doremon and Tracy came running as soon as they got a call from Breaker and Gunner explained them whatever happened with them today. They where astonished to listen the story, this was really a big scam but this isn't the time to feel surprised anymore. They went near Grace's room
Doremon looked at Tracy nervously and then knocked on the door "G..Grace, open the door.... Its Doremon here" he said trying to make himself calm "the...they told us about everything and... Hey we are really surprised,how come you never told us about your old lover?" he tried to joke
Tracy laughed in a fake way "hehe... Ya you never hide anything from us, by the way you used to always tell you wanted to meet your guardian... and now see, destiny made you to be with him forever" she said squealing like a little girl.

Grace didn't felt good at all even after being convinced by his friends 'no matter what they say, this isn't good at all... I was the one who tried to hurt him and till now I haven't done anything good to him. He didn't have to suffer this much' no matter how much he cried over this issue the guilt building up inside him won't reduce.

"Grace, please open the door.. See everyone is worried for you" Gunner tried to negotiate and this time Grace did reply "tell them not to worry about me, I'm nobody to be worried about.!!. Jus..just leave me alone please brother!!" he yelled with all his might. Even though Scar was not standing near his room he could hear all the commotion going on upstairs.

He tried to close his ears and block the noises coming from upstairs but he still was able to hear them "f*ck, its all my fault.. How can I let this happen?! So many years and still I failed to protect him, I'm such a failure.. I failed to fulfill the promise that I made to his mother.. Aahhh!!" He was cursing himself for everything. Breaker was unable to see his strong and brave boss shattering in front of him "Boss, don't worry... Its really a big shock for him, off course he was living with a lie all these years and suddenly facing the truth sigh~ it will take some time to recover from this" he explained.

Meanwhile others came down to join them "he is not at all listening to us" Gunner said in disappointment, Doremon and Tracy plopped down on the couch and didn't say anything for a while.
"Well, how long will it take him to come out of the room?" Gunner asked them , Tracy sighed and said "I don't know, when we were in orphanage he used to have nightmares about his parents so during those days he used to lock himself in the room for a whole day... without any food or water, so this will take a lot more time I guess" she said in a low voice.

"Mr. Scar, why don't you try to call him? Maybe he will understand everything and-" Doremon was cut off by Scar "no... He will never understand, maybe he will hate me even more. I'm the one who put him in this situation, I don't have any rights to face him" he said covering his face with his palms. "Breaker, send this kids home. Its getting late" Scar said to him. "We can stay here if you want" Tracy offered. But Scar rejected it saying that they shouldn't get into trouble because of them.

Gunner knew that they need their space to solve this matter and therefore after informing him he also left from there. Suddenly the whole house was filled with complete silence, only the tik tok of the clock can be heard. Grace was still in his room with the letters clenched in his hands and Scar was in the living room staring at the ceiling and because of the exhaustion he soon fell in deep slumber.

It was only after a while Scar woke up, aunt Rita woke him up to tell him the dinner was ready "son, wake up its time for supper" she said with a gloomy face, she can see that her favorite couple was going through some problems. Scar opened his eyes slowly and looked at the clock '11:20? I fell asleep?' "Aunt Rita, did he eat anything?" He asked with a tired voice, she shook her head slowly "No. Scar, I know I'm nobody to say this to you but.." She hesitated a bit

"Aunt Rita, don't think yourself as a stranger.. Even after treating you like my family.. My mom, you still consider yourself as a stranger? Am I treating you people that badly? Im trying my best to love everyone but" Scar didn't want to continue anymore

"No, my baby... Don't misunderstand aunty. I know how much you love me... See I know he loves you, I have seen that in his eyes but because of the lie he was made to believe, he just didn't want to accept his love for you. Because in the past in his eyes you were a murderer, who murdered his parents but now that he knows the truth... He will not hesitate to love you but you sitting here like this won't help him" she smiled and continued "just go and talk to him, you need to make him understand that it was just a misunderstanding that has been solved now. So go and talk to him, I'm sure he will come out" she patted him on the shoulder with an assuring smile "I will set the dinner, just hurry and call him" and she left to the kitchen.

'Maybe she is right, anyways I will have to face him later. But if I try to make him understand now, things can get better in the future'  and after thinking for a while he went to call him, he knocked on his door "Grace, its me. Look problems won't be solved if you lock yourself in like this, so let's talk OK. You need to know that it wasn't your fault, so please open the door and let me talk to you.. Please" he said leaning on the door but for his surprise the door was already open.

He felt suspicious and went inside to take a look "Grace!!"...

His mind went into a mess when he saw the horrifying scene in front of him. Grace was lying on the bed unconscious, and blood coming out from his mouth. He Rushed towards him and took him in his embrace "Grace!! Aunt Rita call Gunner" he shouted from the room, she came running to them "what happen- *gasp* Grace!" She got scared when she saw him like this and without wasting any time she dialed Gunners number and informed him. Scar looked around the room and saw a piece of paper kept beside him. He picked up the letter

'Dear Scar or should I call you my guardian? I really am shameful to face you now, I'm sorry for whatever I did to you. You didn't deserve any of this hatred from me or from the people of this city, just because of me you had to face so many obstacles in your life. I actually feel like laughing at myself for playing that childish prank on you but then I'm thankful that I did it otherwise I wouldn't have met you. The days spent with you were really enjoyable, even though I tried to hate you I failed to do that. I agreed with James to kill you but Trust me you changed my heart, and it was because of that James was trying to harm me because I backed out from the plan. Well I could have loved you some more but I don't deserve you, my mom used to say that ... If you become a nice person then one day you will get to enjoy a life like fairy tail. A prince will come to you to protect you and marry you then you will have a happy ending like those princesses. I believe it was true, a prince really came to protect me, and took me to his palace and all but I failed to become a nice person. So I don't deserve your love, I'm going to meet my mom and tell her that you were really nice to me and took care of me sincerely but instead I hurt the person whom she trusted the most. I will apologize to her for my mistakes and i know she will forgive me. Well I'm not sure whom I will meet first... If I'm going to heaven then I will definitely find my mother there
but for my sins I guess I will be sent to hell first .... Where my dad is.
Anyway, I'm sorry for troubling you these many months... and...
take care of yourself

Your loving little
bae boy~ Grace"

"Grace! You cant do this shit!! What the f*ck is wrong with you. Ahh! Grace don't leave me like this, I won't be able to handle another regret!"

I really worked hard for this chapter 😥 so please do vote and comment. And I would like to know your reviews on this book or this chapter. ❤

Thank you for reading 😊

MESSING WITH THE WRONG MAN. (MxB) {Completed} Where stories live. Discover now