Twenty Four: A Familiar Face

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Sleeping was bliss. Schula and I were curled up on Mila's bed. Nassir insisted on blankets on the floor again, and we were too tired to argue. If he grew uncomfortable, I suppose he could just moved the ground as he saw fit anyway. Once that was all decided it only took a few moments for us to all fall asleep. And sleep we did.

Sleeping out in the open was nice, but there was something warm and safe and comfortable about sleeping in a house. A tiny one room house, much like the one I grew up in. My defenses were able to completely melt away, and I slept.

When my eyelids were finally willing to open again, the sun had already peaked and was starting it's downhill journey into the afternoon. Schula was next to me still very much asleep. Nassir had made himself comfortable by the low fire. Puko was still sleeping, perched at the foot of the bed.

I sat up carefully, trying not to disturb anyone as I stepped through the room and out the front door. I left my boots off, feeling the earth beneath my feet. A small breeze was brushing by me as I closed the door to the cabin, and the smell of promised rain was in the air.

I took a deep breath of the sweet afternoon air and turned to take in my surroundings. The witches of the valley seemed to have recovered from the sight of us, because they had gone on with their day. Gardening and weaving and tending to animals. One was butchering nearby in the open air, and my stomach growled at the thought of dinner.

"Gossips, the lot of them," Mila scoffed from a chair around the corner.

I walked over with a smile on my face. "Mila, I didn't see you there."

She was sitting, hunched over a basket as she peeled carrots. I sat down on the ground next to her and began helping.

"Did you sleep well?" Mila asked.

"I did," I replied. "It's been a while since I've slept in a bed."

She grunted. "I suppose you haven't."

We peeled carrots in silence and I let my ears pick up the sounds of the valley around us. Insects buzzed and plants rustled in the breeze. It was peaceful.

"The first thing you need to know as a witch, is that we are all sisters under the Mother." Mila broke the silence. I already knew that, but I wasn't about to interrupt her.

"As sisters, we are all of one coven in this world." Mila continued. "This valley is a homeland where we pilgrimage to teach our new witches and to conference about more dire threats. When the call came for me to return, it was the morning before the raid on Silver Lake."

My throat went dry. That was the day Bryn died. A lot of people died.

"The witches, we have eyes everywhere. We watch over the world in the name of the Mother. And when many of our witches began to raise alarm over a concern, we come here to hold conference."

"What are you conferencing about?" I asked.

Mila sighed and set down her carrot, picking up a new one to peel. "We have had a lot of suspicious reports from the edge of the Wyldes. There has also been the concerning activity of that war-monger who leads the plains raiders. I know not if they are connected, but we are here discussing what we can do about it."

I nodded, remembering the day I saw the raiders. "They are affecting more than just the plains now, aren't they?"

"Yes, child," Mila said. "But that is not your concern. Right now, you have business to go about with the Wyldes, do you not?"

I frowned. "I do. I... I want to help. I've started to make a home there, and this time I'm going to fight to keep it."

Mila nodded. "Good. Perhaps this time you can convince the mule-headed fae to keep a witch around. But you must first become a proper witch, and for that we will need to test your strengths."

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