Twenty Nine: The Healer

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The fleeting feeling of a presence in the valley was quite an upset to the peaceful life the witches led here. Nassir kept watch all night as promised, but nothing appeared again. In the morning we told Mila, and she gathered a few key witches to conduct an investigation of their own to be safe. Unfortuneatly as the keeper of the valley, Gelwyn was one of them.

Mila and three other witches I hadn't met yet were satisfied with our story and took the matter seriously. Gelwyn spent an hour trying to pry apart our every world. When she was finally done with that, she insisted on leading her own search despite the fact that the other witches had been taking a look around while she was wasting time. 

Puko stayed on my shoulder all morning. I was used to him coming and going, but he seemed to want to snuggle into my neck while I was trying not to snap at Gelwyn. It was comforting for sure, and I stroked his head absently while I grumbled.

"I just don't see how anything would have gotten past me," Gelwyn muttered, looking on the ground where we heard the footsteps. 

"You are not omnipotent, Gelwyn," Mila said flatly. "That is for the Mother and no one else."

Gelwyn sniffed indignantly and turned to another portion of ground, clearly putting her back to MIla. "Do not speak to me as though you can understand the burden of the keeper of the valley."

One of the witches rolled their eyes and another shook her head. Mila raised an eyebrow, but said nothing as she walked slowly over to where I waited with Schula and Nassir. 

"Go on, child," Mila sighed. "You've done well to tell us, even if you think it could have been nothing."

"Nothing can breach the valley," Gelwyn scoffed.

Mila ignored her and continued. "You should go to your lessons, there is no more tale to tell and we will let you know if we find anything."

Gelwyn huffed at being ignored, but she didn't say more. I could see the ghost of a smile on Mila's lips, and I did nothing to supres my own. 

"Thank you, Mila," I said. 

"Is there anything we can do?" Schula asked. "I mean, not that the few chores you've given us aren't enough, but we can do much more you know."

Mila narrowed her eyes at Schula, then slid them to Nassir. "Very well. You can come with me today and assist me in my own tasks. You might even prove useful."

Nassir chuckled at that and bowed his head to Mila. "I would be honored to try, Miss Mila."

Mila nodded curtly and turned back to me once more. "Go on, child. We will handle the rest here."

I knew when I was dismissed, so I reached out and gave Schula's hand a squeeze and waved as I headed to Gilly for the day. 

Puko continued to ride on my shoulder. He didn't seem upset or anything, which I was keeping a close eye on. But if he was calm, I felt that I should be as well. Or at least try to be. 

The path was familiar. So were the stares of the witches. At least many of the neighbors now waved at me as I walked by. Or maybe they were waving at Puko. 

Probably Puko.

I did stop at Mila's cabin so I could retrieve my book and charcoal. I would need them for another day of copying spells.

I reached GIlly's house with no incident save for the irritation of an insect that dwelled in the valley and nipped at your ankles. Puko would sometimes swoop down and gather a mouthful of them, but new ones would just come back a moment later. My stomach growled at the loss of breakfast as I opened the door.

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