Thirty Two: On the Trail

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I was fuming as Schula and Nassir practically dragged me from the cabin. If Gelwyn really wanted to blame me for bringing something in behind us, fine. I get it. But to threaten my sole purpose for being here? She knows damn well that I want to get an answer and leave. She doesn't like me, why interfere?

Schula soothed me as we went. She did her best to say whatever she thought would help. Puko sat on my shoulder and that helped too. I knew they were upset too, but I was the one who was fuming. It was pretty sad when the half elf was the heated one, and the fae were keeping their emotions in check.

We were nearly across the valley before I realized we weren't heading to Mila's cabin. 

"Where are we going?" I asked. It hit me that Nassir wasn't trying to reason with me, as he usually would. But instead he was paying close attention to something else. Something only he could see.

"We are going back to where it began. To the cave where we entered the valley," Nassir answered simply. "You did not seem capable of forming a rational plan yet, so I began walking us somewhere I thought you would want to be once you had... recovered yourself."

That knocked all the angry wind out of my chest. I blew all the air from my lungs out slowly, ending in a soft laugh. "You're right. I'm sorry I got so upset."

"Understandable," Nassir said. "I am also upset about the situation."

I eyed him for a moment. He didn't look upset at all. Schula was rubbing one of my arms, still trying to soothe me. 

"Nassir just shows it differently," she said.

"Now that we are calm and ready to talk, we can stop and discuss a plan." Nassir took a few steps off the dirt path to where a set of large rocks rose above the grass. An inviting seat, at the higher end of the valley.

"Right," I sighed. Schula and I followed him and took a seat. Puko opted to fly off, probably searching for food in the tall grass. 

"Wren, Schula," Nassir said, grabbing our attention. "I'd like you to meditate with me a moment. I think it will help."

I rubbed the corners of my eyes where they still felt stiff from sleep, or lack of it. I nodded and Schula pulled her feet up onto the rock she was sitting on, closing her eyes and already doing her breathing. 

I took a deep breath, and fell into it with her.

One... Two... Three...

The rhythm was second nature. I easily fell down into my place of peace. A cabin in my mind where I could settle and collect myself. Around me was the warmth of my fire, but now I felt the prickle of something else. 

My eyes opened and I sat still, trying to process what I had just felt.

"What is the matter, Wren?" Nassir asked without opening his eyes.

"There was a new sensation apart from my magic," I said.

Schula peeked one eye open. "Have you meditated since coming to the valley?"

"Uh... no. I guess I've been studying and haven't done much else," I admitted.

Schula nodded. "I wondered. We haven't had time to run or stretch either. Well, you haven't at least."

"I think what you're sensing now is the magic in this valley," Nassir said. "The magic of the witches feels different. They use it differently, too."

"I think I understand." I looked down at my hands. I had heard as much, that the witches pulled the magic from around them, and the things of the Wyldes used the magic inside themselves. So if this was the magic of the valley, then I was seeing for myself where the witches got their powers.

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