Fifty One: Unlocking Secrets

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Schula and I hurried from the dining hall, as did many others. One of the scouts came with us as Schula's escort since Liana had left early. My heart was in distress. Schula beside me was fuming. I had to see Kalor and find out what he knew of the declaration Halduin made. 

The moment I was inside Kalor's halls I rushed for his rooms. Knocking on the door, I hoped he was inside.

"Kalor!" I called. "I need to speak with you, it's urgent." 

"I'm coming, I'm coming. Wren." Kalor opened the door. "What's the matter?"

"Did you know the council was going to declare there is no threat to Eidelhein today?" I asked.

His face paled. "They what?"

"Halduin came in the dining hall just long enough to squall the rumors that there was any danger coming. The rest of the elves were with him," Schula added from over my shoulder. 

I heard the sounds of Nassir coming from his rooms to listen. 

"This isn't right." Kalor slipped back into his rooms and pulled a cloak over his shoulders. "The council is only here to advise the representatives that lead the city. We don't decide there is or isn't a rumor to be suppressed, and we certainly don't make announcements for public opinion in the dining hall."

"Well, they just did," Schula scoffed. 

Kalor came from his rooms, cloak on and face stern. "I need to speak with them, I'll be back when I can. Was Teyber present?"

"No," I answered. "And the scouts at lunch time didn't know where he was either."

Kalor nodded sternly. "Right then. I'll find out what's going on."

"I can come with you," I offered. "Convince them to at least take measure-"

"No, Wren." Kalor turned to me with a firm expression, placing a hand on both of my shoulders. "This is my responsibility, I won't entangle you with the politics of Eidelhein. Your only responsibility here is to enjoy time among your people, not cater to Halduin's schemes."


"I'll be back as quickly as I'm able, then we can talk." Kalor gave me a warm but tired smile, and he rushed through the doors and out of the hall entirely.

"Well, that wasn't quite what I imagined," Schula muttered.

"He didn't even entertain the idea of my help." I sighed. "I don't know what to do now."

A gentle hand patted my back, and I glanced over at Nassir who was doing the same for Schula. "You can only do what is in arm's reach. For now, I suggest you two calm down, I'll fetch us something to drink, and you can tell me everything that happened."

A small weight lifted from my shoulders. Nassir always knew just what to say to slow me and Schula down. Despite not looking much older than either of us, his age and patience really showed through at times like this. He was the uncle I should have had all along. 

"Thank you, Nassir," Schula said, the gratefulness showing strong in her voice. 

"I'll be right back, I was able to procure a bottle of blackberry cider this morning that I think you two will like."

I nodded numbly and walked into the common space where the large table was still cluttered with books and notes. I tidied some of them up, making room for us to sit and talk. 

"Oh, the note," Schula said. "Can I see it again?"

I nodded and pulled it from my pocket, passing it to her. "I wonder who wrote it." 

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