Chapter 20

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Anna's POV

Harry hasn't been in school for the first two lessons. It's not like him. He's probably sick. But that means I'm alone today with... them.

"Hey watch it bitch!" I heard Zayn say behind me. I look down at the floor and let out a quiet mumble "sorry." And walked to my locker. I saw Jake come closer and I let out a small but loud groan and open my locker only for it to be slammed back in my face. Why can't he just leave me alone?!

I yelped in pain. Ugh. "What the hell..?" I yelled, not realising how powerful he is.

"What did you say?" he said, pulling me up by my collar.

"N..nothing." I whispered.

"That's what I thought." He said kneeing me in my ribs and pushing me to the floor.

He kept kicking me and I was able to let out a small whisper "why are you d..doing this?"

"Well. it's fun to see you in pain." He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Then he carries on kicking me.


Thats the bell for the next class. Luckily.

Then he left me. He had to go to his class but luckily, I had a free period.

I picked up a blade I kept in my locker and ran into the toilets. My eyes were bloodshot, my cheeks are red and wet from crying. I took my blade and pressed it against my wrists. Tears escaping my eyes. This feels so good. I just continue swiping the blade from side to side.

"Yeah that's right you stupid little bitch. Keep cutting your worthless skin ugly waste of space." I heard someone say. I don't turn around to see who it is, I just carry on. Then a pair of hands grabbed me by the wrists. It was... Harry? Did he say those things? what's going on?

Then I saw Jake behind him. Grinning.

Then Harry's soft, delicate voice spoke. "Please don't Anna." He whispered.

It was definitely NOT him who said it.

I manage to wriggle my hands out of his grip and kept cutting and cutting, tears dripping down my pale skin, not caring that they were there.

"Please." Harry said, his eyes glazed.

"No. Harry. I'm done with bullshit. I'm done with my fucking life. I'm just done. Fuck. Harry. I cant do this anymore. I make your life a fucking misery. Ever since you started hanging out with me, you get fucking bullied. It's all my fucking fault Harry. Leave me to die. Leave me to fucking die. Alone." I cried, cutting deeper and deeper, faster and faster.

He grabbed me by the wrists again and looked me in the eyes, his eyes were red and tears were falling down his cheeks. His voice was all croaky when he spoke "please Anna. None of that is true. I love you. I can't love you more than this. Please. I'm nothing without you."

Before I could say anything, he pulled my body closer to his and I cried into his shoulder.

Then my eyes started going fuzzy. I saw dots everywhere and my legs were getting weaker. "Harry..." I whispered before falling to the floor in a thump.


Harry's POV

"Anna.. ANNA?" I Cried, on my knees next to her. "Please. Wake. Up." I begged. But there was no luck.

I picked her up bridal style and rush to the exit of the school. My heart is beating faster. I can't let her die and I won't. I went to the car park and went to my car. I lie her at the back and rushed to the drivers seat.

I drove as fast as I could to the nearest hospital. There were blood stains all over my shirt, but I couldn't care less. I park my car near the entrance and turn the car off.

I pick her up again, bridal style, and run inside.

"Help! Somebody please!" I yelled. I don't care if people are staring at me. All I care about is her. Minutes later, the nurses pick her up and rushed her off to a vacant room.

I try to follow them but a woman in her 30's said "sir, I suggest you wait here. You can't go inside."

"No! I want to see her! I need to know she's okay." I yelled in her face, trying to get past her.

"Sir. Just calm down. We're trying our best. Just wait here." She said sternly.

I sighed in defeat "okay." Then I sat on the nearest chair. And wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Fuck this takes so long. Then I feel my eyes getting heavier but I tried to stay awake... I'm just worried. I don't want to lose her. My hands are on my knees, sweating. My eyes are getting heavier. I can't hold it anymore. I soon fell into a sleep. I mean what do you expect? I'm a guy.


I was woken up by a hand patting my shoulders. I open my eyes slowly followed by a yawn. It's the same woman from earlier. She had a small smile on her face.

"Is she alright?" I asked.

"Yes. she's fine but we had to donate her some blood. She lost a lot." She replied.

"Oh. Where is she?" I said. I want to know where she is. I want to be with her.

"She in room 212. But before you go there, please follow me to the desk." She explained.

I followed her and she took out some papers.

She asked me so many questions. "Can I go see her now?" I groan.

She chuckles before she responds. "Yes you can go see her. But be quiet." I roll my eyes and walk out the door and head towards the lift.

Finally, the elevator comes to a stop and walk through a massive hallway trying to find her room.




Aha! 212.

I step inside and close the door behind me slowly. I saw her sleeping peacefully. He frizzy brown hair spread all over her pillow. Her skin pale. She looks.... broken.

I sat on the chair next to her bed and held her hand, intertwining our fingers. I lean down and kiss her cold forehead, then her cheek.


Anna's POV

I woke up with Harry asleep on the chair next to me. His lips slightly parted.

I squeezed his hand and he woke up. "I...i...should I get the nurse?" he said.

"No. Stay here." I said, my voice sounding weaker than I intended it to sound.

"Okay." He replied, his beautiful green eyes sparkling in the lights of my hospital room. "I was scared..." he added.

"Of what?" I asked.

"Of losing you. Anna. I was scared of losing you." He sighed "I need you."

I was lost for words. I didn't know what to say. That was the second time he'd seen me in a suicidual mood. But to be honest, I needed him too.

"I love you, you know." I said, twirling his curly brown hair around my fingers.

His face lit up as I said that. "I love you too." He whispered, pulling my body closer to his, wrapping me in a massive hug.

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