Chapter 5

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Anna's POV

Society has ruined my life.

"Your too skinny to be beautiful!" played around my head all day. Was I too skinny? Was I too ugly?

I came to school the next day and Jake just kept pushing me down. Literally.

My face made contact with his fist. I was shot down like a bullet. After being sent to the nurse and getting fixed every now and then, I would see people staring at me. That's was when I lost my self confidence completely.

I could feel myself having an anxiety attack. I had no reason for it. It just happened.


I came home to see my front door wide open with police vans and ambulances scattered around the road. I knew that they were all here for my house.

I ran in. I kept asking what was going on but they just acted like I was invisible.

"Mum," I shouted. No reply.

"MUM!" I screamed, suddenly getting worried.

I was looking around the house, my head spinning. When I went into the kitchen, that's when I saw it.

There was someone on a stretcher, being wheeled out if the house. I caught a glimpse of this person but couldn't figure out who it was.

I found my mum, sitting on her bed, staring at nothing. "A-a Anna," she said, holding her tears back.

"Who was that down there?" I asked.

"It was aunty Maisie." She cried.

Aunty Maisie. Was she dead? "What h-happened?"

"She came over here to give me something, her head w...was.. bleeding. I told her she needed to see someone about it. She fell on the floor, holding her chest. I lifted her top up to see where it was coming from and she had a hole. And... and..." She weeped.

"I-i I'm so sorry mum." I said. "Is she.."

"Yes, Yes she is dead." She replied, crying harder than she ever did before. "They are having a police investigation about what happened to her."

I couldn't believe it. Not only had my school life gone down, but when I'm at home, it's not going to be the same.


As I walked in to school, they were all staring at me. All of them.

I just huffed and walked to my locker. I could hear everything. A group of bullies telling an above average sized girl that she was obese.

Someone who's mum just died was called a cry baby.

Someone who was adopted, unloved.

Another person who didn't exactly have small teeth a donkey. And so on. Everything was going on.

Society is like a fire, if your not perfect, you'll be eaten by the flaming fury and spat out. Society, destroying all the people in it's path, gobbling up all the victims.

I just don't get it. If your not too fat, too thin, too hairy, too bald. Too tall, too small. Too ginger, too blonde. Too smelly, not smelly enough. Too shy, too confident. And so on, then your classed as perfect.

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