The Rejected

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Harriet Lily Potter was bored. She had read through every book in the library and made copies and hidden the copies in her bottomless bag. Today was her fifth birthday but her mother had not allowed her to take part in the celebrations. Last time she had tried she had ended up being bullied by her own brother for being a girl. She had been Rejected.

When Harriet had complained her mother had told her to stop spreading evil lies - even though she had been there - and told her she would be severely punished for disrespecting the Wizarding World's Saviour. Harriet had decided not to mention Voldemort was not a global threat but it didn't change anything.

A sneering James Charlus Potter - she could not even call him father by that day had crucioed her three times then verbally and mentally abused her by insulting her. She later found out the laughter was by her- Lily Rose Potter and Harold James Potter.

Harriet extracted herself from other painful memories. She had thought she was going to die because of James or/and Lily or/and Harold many times but now it seemed she was going to die from boredom.

Suddenly she was struck with an idea - what if she ran away? but that idea was quickly shut down. Where would she go? As she began to descend into her 'depressed' state again, a voice seemed to whisper into her ear "magic" but no one was there.

The whole world was hers to explore. With magic she could do nearly anything. And so Harriet set off with her backpack, food and water supply and of course her magic. So it was Harriet Lily Potter (or Bellona as she later came to be called) VS the world until she ran across Draco Lucius Malfoy (or later Apollo).


Draco Lucius Malfoy was terrified. Now that his mother had died in front of him at the hand of his father there was no one to shield him from his father. When he was younger, he had read the whole library then copied the book and then storied the copies in his bottomless bag.

He had now finished the last book in the library so nothing could distract him from his father. Lucius Abraxas Malfoy was insane. He flew into unprovoked bouts of rage. Yesterday had been the first time he had used the Cruciatus curse on Draco. Draco knew he had to leave. He shrunk him backpack, charmed it to be featherlight and put it in his pocket. He had nearly gotten to the door when-

"Going somewhere?" came the cold voice of Lucius.

Draco attempted to run. It was no use. Lucius shot spell after spell at him before physically kicking him out "Never return". Draco lay there on the street. His father had rejected him. What was the point in getting up?

When he woke up he saw a muggle girl leaning over him. "Can you do magic?" she asked. Maybe she wasn't a muggle after all. "Yes" he said.

"My name is Harriet Lily Potter. What's yours?"

"Draco Lucius Malfoy."

She whispered "was it your parents?"

He knew what she was talking about "my dad. What about you?" If she recognised she was probably a victim too.

"Same. My moth- Lily and Harold laughed and James hurt me."

"You don't mean the boy who lived?"

"I was the one who saved him."

Draco was shocked "You mean they have the wrong boy who lived, Harriet?"

He noticed her flinch. "We need new names because I don't want to be Draco Lucius Malfoy anymore."

"Yes. I've thought of one. My name is Bellona."

"It suits you. What about me?"

"How about Apollo?"

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