Order Meeting

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Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was unsure. By enlisting the help of the Rejected, he had taken a huge gamble. Why wouldn't The Rejected turn on him? If they did he wasn't sure he could take them all on (excuse me - one would beat 2 yous). But no - they had been fighting Death Eaters for eight years - why would they turn on him? Besides they did agree to come so they probably had good intentions.

Now he had to tell the Order. If Bellona was Harriet and Harriet was Harold's twin then she was nearly 15 (their and Neville's birthday is now in August). For some Order members (cough cough Molly cough cough) this might pose a problem. If it wasn't for The Rejected's fighting skills he wouldn't have addressed them as equals.

At least the loyalty charms on the letter was strong but he was worried that if they broke out of them they would turn on him. Oh well... he would just regularly drug them. He was sure he could slip something into the food at the Order meeting and at Hogwarts it would be no problem. It was quite risky but 'Nothing will come of nothing'. The Rejected's loyalty was a great prize so a great risk had to be taken to gain it.

Now all he needed to do was tell the Order.

"Order members - we all know Voldemort has come back." he said "and we do not have enough members to combat him. I have managed to contact Harriet Lily Potter."

Lily looked down ashamedly but when James put his hand on her shoulder, she hurriedly straightened up. James and Harold were both sneering at the mention of his twin.

"She and her friends will be coming to our next meeting and attending Hogwarts for the upcoming year. That is all I wanted to say." with that, the Order meeting was finished.


Bellona was unhappy. She didn't want to go to the Order Meeting tomorrow - or was it today? She didn't know if it was past midnight yet. The rest of the Rejected was happily asleep. She knew they were there for her but none of them except Ares had family in the Order and as it was his grandmother was rarely there in the meetings.

It was Bellona who would have to face her parents and brother - the people who had tortured her. When Bellona had run away there was no one there for her. Sometimes she envied the others in her group because they had been saved. Quickly they had been given a family but at the beginning even when she had left and the following weeks Bellona had had no one.

All the other Rejects had been somehow 'saved' but Bellona hadn't been. She had been the saviour. She wouldn't trade her situation for anything now she had a family but sometimes she couldn't help wishing she had been 'saved' like that. At least her family had saved her though every day just by being there for her they paid it back.

But she was scared of going. The others had gotten over their pasts and Bellona was nearly there. The meeting would either free her or set her back.

"Bella?" Bellona turned around to see Artemis. Bella had become her nickname when The Rejected weren't fighting. It was quite recent actually.

"Yes Missy?" she responded.

"Why are you up?" asked Artemis.

"I couldn't sleep. Why are you up?" she countered.

"The messenger spirits told me one of The Rejected needed my help." replied Artemis.

"That was nice of them."

"Don't try to change the subject Bellona. Bella, why can't you sleep?" Artemis said fiercely.

"I'm terrified of seeing my family" Bellona admitted "Missy the rest of the group won't get it. Ares can understand most because there's a possibility his grandmother will be there" There was a slight noise that might have been agreement from somewhere "but no one else's relatives are going to be there. I didn't want to burden them with my fear when they can't understand it."

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