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Persephone was not looking forward to going to Hogwarts. She would be split up from her family. Different dorms, schedules, houses.

Sighing she looked around the room. Apollo and Athena were out shopping in Diagon Alley. Everyone had wanted different specialised things and they had to get a copy of each book in the Hogwarts list. They could simply copy the set of books if necessary but it was still a lot of shopping - they would be gone a while.

Bellona and Ares were brewing the 'necessary' potions in the lab. There were a lot of necessary potions especially since they were brewing two vials - in case something happened to the other one. They were great potions partners though with their masteries in Alchemy and Herbology and of course potions. They would also be busy for a while.

Artemis, Arcus, Hera and Mars were invested in a game of Exploding Snap. Artemis was finding it quite difficult. Persephone decided to rescue her.

"Missy will you come and check on the half-kneazle cat with me?"

"Let's go Percy"

Artemis and Persephone had bonded over their affection of animals. Both had a mastery in care of magical creatures and often tended to hurt creatures. Last week, they had found a half kneazle cat badly hurt lying on the street on their way home. They had been out trying to spot a Crumple-Horned Snorkack.

Artemis got up and they started walking to the room where the half kneazle cat was. On the way, they stopped at the lab to get the necessary potions. They found Ares sorting potions into groups with one hand and handing Bellona ingredients with the other. Bellona was making some sort of complicated potion that was even more complicated because she was adding things so she could change the state of it later. Persephone was sure some the potions couldn't be found in a textbook anywhere - Bellona and Ares were creating them as they brewed.

Persephone stepped forward to enter the room before realising she couldn't because some of the doorway was blocked up with vials. She didn't want to shatter them and invoke the wrath of Bellona and Ares so she simply Accioed 'the half kneazle's potion'. Thankfully Ares and Bellona didn't notice and weren't disturbed by the potion.

Persephone and Artemis continued to the room where the half kneazle was in comfortable silence until Artemis broke it.

"I'm worried about Bella. She has to face her family again. I mean she says she'll be fine buti really don't think so."

"Missy, I know you're worried but if Bella says it's fine there's nothing we can do. The best thing is to just be there for her and help her up when she slips. We just have to be her family."

They stopped outside the half kneazle's room. They didn't want to alarm it when they walked in.

"I know Percy but I just - I just want to be able to help her more."

"The problem is that it's not a problem we can just solve like that" Persephone snapped her fingers "all any of us can do is be there for her."

Artemis sighed but didn't respond opening the door of the room. The hybrid pranced towards them evidently feeling much better.

"All right last potion." Artemis said slowly feeding it the potion. The hybrid purred content before exploring the room.

Suddenly, there was a sharp CRACK! Evidently Apollo and Athena had returned. In their haste they forgot to close the door and were now being pursued by a certain half kneazle.


Apollo and Athena were exhausted. They had been buying things from Potions ingredients to a telescope to books on magical theory. After they had finally found Persephone's book on Kneazles, they Apparated home. They were immediately greeted by Hera, Mars and Arcus who had moved on from Exploding snap to some sort of card game.

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