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"Did you know Harold got locked out of the Gryffindor common room yesterday along with Ronald Weasley and Lavender Brown?"

Ares heard Persephone groan - she was in the bed closest to his - clearly not happy about being woke up by Hera's gossi- Er information too. Artemis however had a different approach. Everyone knew Artemis as the sweetest one but when it came to Bellona - and them too though a degree less intense - she was the fiercest girl you would have the unpleasure of ever meeting.

Instead of groaning like the rest of them, she grinned like a Cheshire Cat. Evidently she wanted to hear all about Potter Junior's blunders. Ares made the mistake of looking at her smile and then proceeded to shiver and turn away. Artemis had been called 'weird crazy' before but this was more 'maniacal crazy'. Hera took this as an invite to continue.

"Parvati told him he was nothing but a whining brat who bullied people and-"

Hera was cut of by an "about time" from Arcus. Parvati and Padma were part of their group at the school. Hera and Padma and Parvati had met once in an abandoned street. Padma had been bleeding from the injuries her parents had given her, Parvati only slightly less bloody. They had been offered a position in the group and had immediately accepted. Padma was very good at hiding in the shadows and gathering information while Parvati knew how and when to gossip. They were a great team.

Years ago, Padma and Parvati had agreed to infiltrate the school and pretended they had gone to another school for half their first year before their 'parents' had decided to move them back to Hogwarts. Thankfully it had worked. The Rejected liked to be a few steps ahead.


"Patil, Padma"

Ah young one I see you are often overshadowed... but you use it to your advantage. I don't think upfront strength is in you so Gryffindor is ruled out. Usually I wouldn't be sorting telepathically bonded people but I see your mission and it is an honourable one so you shall have to be sorted. Let me see... Not Slytherin if you wanted to blend in so one of the 'weaker' houses of Hogwarts. Your mind is one of your best assets so... RAVENCLAW!

"Patil, Parvati"

Do not try to shield your mind - has your sister not told you Hogwarts welcomes you?

Parvati looked at her sister.

It's true Pav. Let the hat in.

Fine Pad.

Yes as I was saying Hogwarts wants you here. I see you don't really blend in so one of the 'stronger' houses - Gryffindor or Slytherin? You could be in either but Slytherin has bad publicity so if you don't want your mission to fail it will have to be GRYFFINDOR!


"And that she never wanted to talk to any of them again especially Lavender." Hera said this bit with satisfaction happy for Parvati who was finally free from a two-faced girlfriend and was using her Slytherin like qualities - blaming the breaking of their 'friendship' on Harold. Padma's twin had just killed two birds with one stone. "So Harold sat shocked in his seat with Lavender and Ron until the end of dinner when the hall was empty except for Parvati. Parvati wasn't paying attention to the password but Dorothy (the Fat Lady) let her in anyway because Hogwarts seems to really like us -"

"I'm not surprised" Athena said.

"What do you mean Thea?" Ares asked.

"Mate she means with such a horrible headmaster as Albus Dumbledore why wouldn't she like us instead?" Mars said.

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