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Lily Rose Potter was shattered. She couldn't stay here any longer. She didn't know what had happened. She used to have a kind, caring, considerate and loving husband who respected her freedom and will. He didn't hurt her when he got angry and when they fought he didn't intimidate her. But now...

She remembered better days, days where she lived up to the colour of her hair. Days when if anyone hit her, she would set them on fire. Days when she was independent, strong and happy. But those days were gone.

What was she going to do? She might have divorced him but where could she go? No one cared. She didn't matter to anyone.

Her image had been dictated by him and it meant she had no friends, sympathisers or allies. Her sister and daughter had forsaken her although she couldn't really blame them and her son didn't care about her.

In that moment she really looked up to her daughter. She was everything Lily had always wanted to be. Her daughter didn't care about anything except her morals and family - which Lily was not part of. But in some ways she felt like she and her daughter had swapped roles : Bellona was an ideal mother figure apart from the fact she nearly got killed on a regular basis and Lily was crying like a 15 year old who really needed her mother. Her mother who didn't exist.

She had surrounded herself in fake friends and now she was suffering the consequences. It was all her own fault. She was alone. Her eyes were blurry with tears and she shook slightly with half repressed sobs.

Suddenly, she crashed into someone and they grabbed her before she hit the ground. Her eyes were even blurrier. It was him wasn't it? Or even if it wasn't they were taking her to him. Either way she would be punished. Lily wasn't sure how much more she could take.

They went through the castle sweeping alond corridors and hiding behind walls. It wasn't him then. But it didn't matter they were taking her to him. She tried to cry out and protest but she was too weak. She could barely move a muscle.


Arcus was the first to wake surprisingly in his own bed for once. Mars stirred near him. Arcus sat up carefully even though he was in his own bed and couldn't wake the others up by extracting himself from their tangle, he could still make a loud sound and wake everyone up.

He didn't want 8 specialised curses shot at him and Hera's was absolutely horrible. It was like a 'light' version of the Cruciatus.

Of course light spells and dark spells couldn't really be separated. Maybe there was a difference to the caster if they cast a Killing curse of Stuepified someone and know them off a cliff but the person would still die. It didn't make a difference to the dead person. Either way they were still dead.

Stuepify was not a killing curse but it could have the same result. If people wanted to separate Light and Dark spells, they'd end up classifying all spells as Dark.

Arcus shook himself out of his thoughts and began pacing up and down. He really needed somewhere to train. The magic they were 'taught' in classes was way too easy. He had masteries in DADA, Charms, History of Magic - which consisted of a lot of information on DA - and Transfiguration. The classes were way too easy.

Arcus paced up and down restlessly wishing for a place to relax. He just wanted a place to rest - somewhere he could let his frustration out.

On his fourth pace, he noticed an old oak door. He could swear it hadn't been there before. As the implications hit him, he grinned. He had been looking for this room since he had first entered this castle and knew the rest of his family really wanted to see it too.

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