The Letter

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It had been 9 years since Bellona had run away and 8 years since the Rejected had become complete.

The Rejected was holding a meeting at their headquarters. On the outside, their home was a stone. A tiny weeny stone. The stone had a notice me not charm on it so a little kid wouldn't take it home. To enter the stone, a wizard had to Apparate. There were several strong wards around the house and a muggle camera. If any other wizard that wasn't a Reject attempted to enter, the house and surrounding area would disappear. If it was a wizard's first attempt and there was a Reject at home, the Reject would be shown the person. The Reject had four options 'Allow entrance permanently', 'Allow entrance just this once', 'deny entrance now' and 'deny entrance forever'.

If a person was denied entrance or there was no one at home, the person would be sent to a random location. The Rejected were truly masters at magic and all of them had four masteries each.

The Rejects were sitting at a circular table. Bellona had inisisted. As there were nine of them Bellona was head at a rectangular table. She preferred a circular table because it made her feel like everyone was equal and everyone had a voice. Maybe it was too much thinking over a table - she had Athena for that but oh well.

The letter sat on the table waiting to be opened. The Rejected never got letters directly. They would be delivered to their mailbox - picked by Athena's owl then given to Bellona's owl before being collected by a member of the Rejected who was on letter duty who then took a portkey to a few streets away.

They would call another member of the Rejected to the crowded shopping centre. The first member of the Rejected would then Apparate to the house whereas the second would enter a few shops before exiting and finding a place to Apparate home.

It was a bit overkill but it wouldn't do to be caught by the Ministry or the Death Eaters. On a job or a hand in the Ministry workers did not bother them. It was an allies in war situation and a ten second head start before we capture you dynamic.

The problem was the Minister and some Aurors didn't like being shown up by the Rejected. The most skilled of all Aurors were bested by a Reject. One Reject could take two Aurores at a time. Some of the Aurors thought this was 'bloody brilliant' whereas others cursed the teenagers under their breaths and others were more open about it.

The Rejected were even harder to catch because they were all telepathically bonded so even if one was caught - the others came for them nearly immediately. It also helped Artemis and Apollo pass for twins because they could speak like Fred and George Weasley - some of their friends (and eyes and ears at Hogwarts).

The Rejected had become quite famous over the nearly nine years they had been a group. At first, the Rejected had hidden in the shadows because they didn't want everyone patronising them because of their age. Then they started wearing cloacks with The Rejected on them and people started speculating about them.

If you were an ordinary citizen and you saw The Rejected, you'd feel safe but if you were a Death Eater, you'd be rightfully terrified. The Rejected had made quite a name for themselves which unfortunately meant several enemies. Thankfully the first time they received a letter (by owl) when they didn't have security measures, Athena had the foresight to check the letter for any spells. It had contained several dark spell that did things like stop your blood from clotting. As a result The Rejected had set up their letter security.

Bellona gestured for Athena to cast the spells that checked for any booby traps, charms and potions.

Unsurprisingly there were some but the sheer strength of the loyalty charm was surprising - either the writer was trying to test their power or were very desperate. Once Mars had checked the letter too just in case, Hera sliced the wax open with her sharp nails.

Dear Rejected,

I have a proposal for you on behalf of the Ministry and Hogwarts. If you come to Hogwarts to protect the students, your magic trackers will be removed and the Ministry will stop hunting you down. In addition you can interact with people of your own age for once. Enclosed it the clothes list should you wish to attend. I also propose you come along to the Order meeting at Potter mansion.


Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

"He's only inviting us because he knows Bellona is Harriet" said Apollo.

"Do you think he'll tell the Order and the whole school?" asked Bellona concerned - she did not want the pressure of being the Girl Who Lived.

"Sorry Bellona but he probably already has" said Ares concernedly being like the rest well informed of Bellona's birth family. It had taken most of the Rejected years to heal from their past but Bellona still wasn't quite free.

"He's probably told at least the Order." said Athena "and he probably knows about the rest of us except me, Apollo and Artemis."

"Should we go?" asked Persephone.

"How about we hear both sides then vote but ultimately it's Bellona's decision" said Arcus.

"Well on one hand some of us might have to face our pasts" said Athena. All the Rejected knew she meant Bellona but made it inclusive to stop Bellona feeling bad. "And it means separating into houses" added Artemis fully focusing on one plane of existence for once.

Although people insulted Artemis when she seemed unfocused calling her loony - the truth was Artemis could see two planes of existence at once - what everyone sees and the true person. She could identify all types of species like werewolves and vampires and could see through disillusionment charms etc invisibility cloaks and even Polyjuice Potion.

"But on the other hand" countered Apollo "the Ministry will be off our backs"

"And we can help the students and the Order get ready for war" added Hera.

Bellona was obviously struggling to make a decision - she had to face her biological parents and brother but so many children would get hurt. She thought of Cedric Diggory and made her decision.

"Who has a pen and some paper" she asked "We're going to school and we're crashing an Order meeting."

Albus Blahblah Dumbledore,

We accept your offer for this year of education and you will see us at Potter Mansion.

Bellona the reject

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