Chapter 15

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(Wanda PoV)

The stone was hurting Vision again and I knew that the others should know about it soon. But I made a promise. I told him that we would leave it a while. I loved him and I knew I could believe and trust him but what if it got worse? The stone had never hurt him before. He had always had control over it. It upset me to see him in pain and I hoped that I would be able to be there to support him and protect him if someone came looking for the stone. I slowly backed away from him and headed into the kitchen. I made myself a cup of tea and silently sipped it. I needed to think of what we could do. I didn't know what we could do and I was scared for Vision. I hoped he would be able to be eased from pain and that it would be no problem but I knew that this was too unusual for it to be an ordinary episode. It had to mean something. It was an infinity stone. One of the most powerful stones in the entire universe. Energy left over from the start of the universe, Thor had said years before. "Wanda," I heard him say to me,
"I'm in the kitchen, Vizh," I replied, as I took another sip of my tea. I looked around to see the door and him standing in the doorway. He was still in his human form. He slowly approached me, reaching his hand for mine. He placed my hand in his and I looked down at our linked hands. "I know you would like to tell them-," he started,
"Vizh-," I tried to say but he continued,
"-I know that you want to return and tell them about what just happened, and I understand that," he continued, "but what if it's nothing?"

I looked at him, jaw gaped slightly, "Vizh. The stone is one of the most powerful objects in the universe, this has never happened before... they deserve to know," I replied softly,
"I know but can we leave it a few days?" He asked me, looking into my eyes. I looked into his, meeting eye to eye. I looked right into the robotic blue of his and he looked into the green of mine.
"I-I don't know..." I replied, "What if we just call or text them? Nat gave us her and Steve's private numbers,"
"Please, Wanda-," He said quietly, holding my hands in his, "One week?"

The stone... the voices... speaking to me... I could hear Vision thinking in his mind, even if he wasn't talking to me. I could 'hear' his thought process. He just looked at me, and I at him. Vizh... they have to know. It might be dangerous. The mention of danger perked him up, as if he realised that the stone was dangerously powerful. He sank his head down, "Okay..." he said quietly, "Please... stay with me..."

I gently lifted his chin up, giving him a small smile. "You ask me to stay? I'll stay," I replied. He smiled back at me, bringing me closer to him. Our faces were inches away from each other's and I felt him closing in. His lips made contact with mine and we kissed. We both held on to each other, his hands on my cheeks and my hands on his wrists. We stayed together for, what felt like, forever. I loved him, and he loved me. We stayed, keeping contact via our lips for several moments before he released me. He gave me a smile. "I love you, Wanda Maximoff," he whispered to me, "I always have, and I always will... until the end."
I returned his smile, merely thinking of the right phrase to say. 'I love you' seemed so obvious and yet true. I didn't want to seem clichéd but I did love him, more than ever in that moment. We stayed in silence, not realising that I hadn't said anything in return, only smiling at him. It immediately started to get awkward so to fill the silence, I said, "You are more than just A.I. to me... you are a person." In that moment, I felt his thumb stroke against the bottom of my ear and I slowly released his wrists, when he slowly slid his hands from my cheeks. He pulled me to him, our bodies making contact. We just looked at each other. I felt his hand against the back of my shirt, as I then placed my hand on his back to keep steady. He touched his forehead to mine, closing his eyes slightly and I felt the slight thrum from the stone against my own forehead. I could feel more from it now. It was alive. I put my hands gently on his shoulders and pushed him backwards a little. "Vizh... the stone," I said, with a worried tone in my voice,
"What is it?" He asked me, clearly noticing the worry in my voice,
"I felt a thrum from it, just now. It's like it's alive..."
"Talking to me... I know," he replied, touching his hand to my cheek,
"No... I mean, yes," I replied, "But more than that. Like it's sending a signal for someone to follow... what if... what if..." I couldn't finish, I couldn't dare finish, it was worrying enough to think it was transmitting a signal to someone or something out there. I looked up at the ceiling of the house.
"What if... what?" He asked me, "Wanda?"
"What if someone or something is coming... right now... for the stone and..."
"For you?" I finished, scared,
"I won't let them hurt you... whatever happens... if one must die for the stone, I'd rather it be me..."
"And that's what I'm worried about, Vizh-!" I interrupted, "That you'll be killed in their effort to take the stone!" I pulled his hand from my cheek and held it in both of my own hands. I gripped his hand and felt him place his other hand in mine. "We can call the others," he said finally, "If someone is coming for the stone, we'll need all the help that we can get." I gave Vision a kind smile and kissed his cheek, gently before backing off and finding the landline, since neither of us had mobiles. I keyed in Steve's number and pressed 'call'. It rang for a few seconds before the familiar voice picked up, "Hello?" I heard Steve say,
"Steve- it's Wanda," I said,
"Wanda? I-I'm surprised to hear from you, what's wrong?"
"The stone... we think it's transmitting a signal to someone or something... we decided that it would be best to let someone else know about what is happening."
There was silence on the phone after I said that, I could only assume that Steve was processing what had happened. "I see," he replied, "Thank you for telling me, Wanda- are you and Vision coming back?"
I glanced to Vision, "I-I'm not sure, we haven't really talked about returning, only talking to you about it."
"I think it would be safer for you to come back, I can come in the Quinjet..."
"I'll um talk to Vizh about it, he needs to agree, we'll call you back," I replied, letting out a sigh, "Goodbye." With that, I hung up and put the phone back on the receiver. I walked back to Vision.

"What did he say?" He asked me, reaching for my hand,
"He thinks it would be best to return..." I replied, "But I said I would talk to you about it and ring him back!"
"Wanda... if someone is coming for the stone, is it not better to leave them behind to minimise casualties?"
"You think there will be casualties?"
"It is possible... but I won't let anything happen to you," he replied, kissing my forehead, "If something called for a sacrifice, I will lay down my life and the stone's safety..."
"Th-that's too high a price, Vizh... you can't lay down your life..."
"You could destroy it... you have the power to-,"
"No, Vizh... your life is too high a price."

He brought his hands to my temples and held my head gently, bringing me close to him. He held me close in an embrace, "Only you have the power... we will try not to have to but if we do..." he told me in a whisper, "You have to do it... I'm sorry..."
I said nothing, I didn't know what to say. I shook my head and I knew he would feel it. I pulled myself away and headed into the living room. I faced the window and put my head in my palms. I didn't know what to do. I knew he was right, of course he was, but why couldn't there be another way... I didn't know any other way but I didn't want to be the one to have to kill him.

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