Chapter 27

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(Vision PoV)

The journey back to the Compound was a quiet one, Wanda was next to me, helping me with my wound. I was grateful that she was there and she was happy to help me. I didn't want to put her out but she seemed more than happy to help. "I love you..." I whispered into her ear. I watched, as she smiled to me.

"What did we say?" Natasha said, turning from the Captain in the cockpit and towards myself and Wanda, "Stay hidden, keep in touch."
"We-we just wanted time..." Wanda tried to explain,
"To what, Wanda? Explore a romance?" She said, in a snarky kind of tone. That made Wanda go quiet and glance my way before looking back to Captain Rogers and Natasha. "You know what, never mind, it's not my place to interfere, we're just trying to keep the team safe!" She said, throwing her arms up, as if she was giving up, "Why did you turn off your transponder, Vision? Just why?"

"Like Wanda said," I piped up, "We wanted time and we thought we were well hidden...we were wrong, clearly."

"Alright, stop~ we're here, Sam..." the Captain said, standing from his chair, "...let them know we've arrived."
"'Them'?" Wanda asked, standing and releasing my hand. I watched, as she headed over to Steve, "Who's them?"
"S.H.I.E.L.D, they were annoyed that Vision went offline, Wanda~ really annoyed."

I saw Wanda dip her head in shame, not making eye contact with anyone, until Sam came back on to the jet to gather us all.

"Alright, lovebirds, ready to report to Ross?" Sam said. I could tell he was being sarcastic, Mr Wilson was always a jokester but part of me thought it wasn't the time. I watched as he came over to myself and Wanda, helping me up on one side while Wanda supported me on the other side.
"Let's just get it over with," I heard Wanda say from next to me and we started to walk out of the jet and towards Ross' office. But he wasn't there. Not really there. He was a hologram.

"Do you expect forgiveness for bringing back a superbot and a rogue Avenger?" He asked, approaching Captain Rogers,
"I'm not looking for forgiveness and I'm way past asking for permission, but we came back to fight," he said, sternly,
"This isn't a pardon, Rogers~ we need your much as I hate to say it."
"I know, and if you get in our way, we'll fight you too," he replied, turning to the rest of us, as Ross disappeared, "Alright, Compound, now."

With help from Sam and Wanda, I made my way to the Compound and that was where we planned. I knew there was only one way to ensure no one got the stone. I had to die. "Wanda...only you," I said, struggling from the wound, "Only you have the power..."

She shook her head at me, as I cupped my hands round her face. "No, Vision, that's too high a price, I won't have this conversation..." I watched, as she moved away from me, it was the first time in a while that she had distanced herself from me. I could see she was trying to find a better solution. One where I didn't have to die. "Wanda, promise me if there's nothing else to do..." I said, looking after where she had gone,
"I-I can't... I can't promise to kill you, Viz..." she told me, I could tell she was adamant.

I dipped my head, in shame, and backed off, taking one final long nod.

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