Chapter 21

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(Vision PoV)

I led the two of us down to the creek and we sat down on a grassy mound, a little distance away from the water itself. I could tell that Wanda was being a little distant after our discussion and I guessed it was to do with her dream and what she may have to do if people came for the stone. I reached out to her, touching my hand to her shoulder. "Wanda, are you thinking about everything still?" I asked, trying to be delicate,
"How can I not?" She asked, as she turned to face me, "This puts our future on the line- either I kill you and destroy the stone, or I lose control and end up killing you anyway..."
"We don't know if that dream will be real..." I tried to reassure her,
"It felt real and that man spoke to me, like he was a telepath... it's a real possibility that it's our future," she replied, looking at me as if I were in denial, "It's real, Vizh..."
"I believe you, Wanda," I told her, holding her hands in mine, bringing her closer to me.

For a few moments, we just sat there, both looking at our now linked hands. I made the effort of stroking hers with my thumb, lifting her chin with my other hand, so that she could look at me, look at my human face. For a few precious moments, we stared at each other, looking into each other's eyes, in silence.

She made the first move, leaning her forehead against mine, I pushed gently back, closing my eyes gently, as I brought her closer to me, holding her head in my hands, against my chest. "I love you," I whispered to her, as I kissed the top of her head. Wanda said nothing but I felt a drop of wet drop on to my shirt, which made me look down. I noticed that it had been a tear.

I lifted Wanda's head slightly, to look into her face and I could see a couple of tears forming in her right eye. Involuntary or voluntary, I'm not sure. "Are you okay...?" I asked her, cautiously,
"Yeah... I just wish our lives could be this peaceful," she replied, as she looked out at the view of the creek,
"As do I, Wanda Maximoff, as do I," I said, looking where she was looking. I gently placed my thumb against her cheek and wiped the tears away, "And one day it will be, I'm sure of it."

It was a few hours before we moved from the creek, watching as the sun gently moved across the sky, up until it was visible just about the tall willow tree on the other side of the bank. "Would you like to find somewhere to eat?" I asked her, glancing her way, tearing my eyes away from the view and back towards - what I thought of as - a better view. She paused, but then gave me a nod and the two of us stood up, hands still linked, human in form, and started to head back up the hill towards the city centre once again. It was noon and there were more people around, I was glad that I was in my human form, panic over a synthezoid was only going to ruin the moment that we had together right there and then. It took some time but we crossed the park and headed back into the centre of Edinburgh, as I had happened to know that there was a fairly popular Italian restaurant along a road named Roxburgh Place, in the city. Leading the way, I took Wanda down a small back street, aiming to take her on the quickest route possible. We eventually made it and there was large lettering above the doorway, spelling out the word 'Zizzi'. We went inside and waited for a table for two to become available before being, quite quickly, seated near a window. I pulled out the seat for Wanda before taking my own seat, opposite her. I gave her a kind, soft smile, reassuring her that we could have a quiet and peaceful time in Scotland, or at least until the issues surrounding the Sokovia Accords were sorted out and we could return to New York, if and when we pleased.

"What would you like to have?" I asked her, after ordering a bottle of champagne for the pair of us and looked at my own menu, glancing over it every now and then, to look at Wanda. "I don't know, maybe the penne l'arrabiata, what about you?" She asked with a smile,
"Hm, perhaps the spaghetti carbonara..." I replied, thinking about it.

Once we made our order, we got a conversation on and chatted, not realising that it had been half an hour when our food had arrived and even then, we continued to chat and I felt that Wanda was becoming happier, believing that we were at peace for the moment, however long that would be for. "Thank you for this," I heard her say,
"For... what?" I asked her, looking up,
"For making me feel better... you always know how to do that, even if you don't realise it..." she replied, as I saw her hand move across the table and make contact with mine. Her hand was soft and gentle, I smiled to her and she smiled back me.
"One day, we'll be able to go back- we promised we would, and we will..." I added quietly, as she nodded,
"There's no rush- it's been a year but it's been alright, hasn't it?"
"Of course, I-I thought you'd want to go back, that's all... that's why I mentioned it."
That made her chuckle, withdrawing her hand from mine, "Don't be nervous, you don't need to be," she said, kindly.

A few hours later...

As we left the restaurant, I felt Wanda reach for my hand, gripping it tightly in her hand. I didn't object, I squeezed a little back. We walked back towards the safe house, hand-in-hand, watching the yellow sun begin to turn orange, just ever so slightly, as the afternoon tipped into an early evening. I unlocked the house door when we arrived back and we went inside, one after the other. I naturally let her go in first, releasing her hand for a moment, as we removed our jackets and placed them on the hooks just inside. "I'm going to get some sleep early," I heard her say, as she disappeared into the bedroom to get changed, I assumed. I just nodded, since she was gone by the time I had time to react.

It was another hour or so before I started to get a little drowsy. I had already lost my human form, since we were in the privacy of the house and slowly got up from the couch, to head into the bedroom. To my complete surprise, Wanda was sitting upright and reading a book. "How long have you been up?" I asked her, as I climbed into the other side of the bed, placing a kiss on her forehead,
"Only about twenty minutes," she replied, "I decided to not disturb your thoughts." She smiled to herself, as she spoke. I always thought she looked beautiful when she was happy or rather, even more beautiful.

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