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| chapter - four |

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| chapter - four |

\ I'd love to change the world /

"All I said was to talk privately, not travel across majority of the compound." Newt said reluctantly. "Its nothing secretive or anything, just a few lil' questions."

Avery grinned softly with a decorum nod and a soft chuckle, "Yes, I understand." She holds her same clipboard in one arm  professionally, just like her mother would. And with her other arm, she reached out to glide her right hand against the hallway wall. Which caused her vibrations to spread amongst the compound, showing her exactly where they were.

She continues, "But we are a civil nation here, and we must remain competent. Otherwise there'd be chaos, and we don't want that. We have boundaries here, and whether your questions are important or not, an empty room is required to do so."

Newt continued to follow her from behind, with the feeling of nonplusment coursing through his mind.

"I know you may be confused of what just came out of my mouth," Avery countered. "Its alright, you 'subjects'-" She paused, catching herself. Fake coughing for a few seconds to cover that mistake up. "-you 'new-comers' always are."

She smiled to herself nervously, "But don't worry, you'll soon get used to it. And learn more of what is to come in your futures."

Newt scrunched his brows, curious on what that was. He heard the word 'subjects' just ever so subtly, but saw that she caught herself. He didn't know whether Nova was warning him, or she was with these people full-force.

 He refused to call her by her actual name, he kept Nova in his mind, and only Nova.

And then Newt began to wonder if Nova was still in deep in there somewhere, and Avery was fully aware of the situation. And maybe the reason why Avery slipped on that word 'subjects', was Nova's way of pushing through, showing herself, and warning him about this strange place. That maybe, just maybe, something about this "safe" compound was suspicious, and wrong.

She does remember, I just know it. Newt thinks to himself. There's absolutely one-way Nova would forget me, just like that. I know her well enough to refuse to accept this option of pretending we're forever strangers.

Avery was hiding something, and Newt was gradually determined to find out.

"Alright, we're here." Avery states out of the blue, as she props a door open.

She allowed to walk in first, before she went in, herself. And then shut the door, making sure the door closed the correct way.

Avery turned towards Newt, "You may proceed with questions."

"Okay," Newt starts. "First of all, you can stop being so profound. Now that we're in this room, surely you can let loose a few bloody bits of tension in your shoulders. I'm sure no-one will crucify you for acting like a normal shank." He didn't mean it in a rude way, it was just how he spoke.

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