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| chapter - one |

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| chapter - one |

\ thanks for the memories /

Avery's footsteps echoed among the walls, as she marched through the hallway. Groups of papers folded in her arms. Her vibrations told her that the computer room was to her right, at the end of the hallway. She didn't exactly know what it was called, she was never told. But she'd always call it the 'computer' room. Because that's what it was, a room full of computers.

The moment she stepped foot into the room, it wasn't long until she saw a set of particles that were white as snow. Knowing instantly who it was.

"Mother," Avery spoke, trying to keep all of the papers stacked in her arms. Without dropping any, they were very important. "Are these the ones you were talking about?"

Ava turned to look, "Ah, yes." she took the papers from her daughter. "Thank you for bringing these to me, it bought me a lot of time of going back and forth." She chuckled.

Avery nodded, "What are they, anyway?"

"Oh," Ava scoffed calmly. "Its just work stuff, don't worry about it."

Avery suddenly felt the sensation of confusion, her mother always told her everything about whatever it was she was up to. Especially what Wicked has been up to. She didn't understand why it had to be now that Ava decides to not tell her.

She found it to be very odd to say the least.

"Besides, its about the mission of Wicked." That was the only thing Ava allowed her to know. "And its a surprise. We don't like spoiling surprises, now do we?"

Avery slowly shook her head, "No."

"I will tell you, one day. I promise. But until then, there's work that has to be our priority. Understood?"

Avery nodded this time, "Yes, mother."

She began to have second thoughts, she really wanted to know secrets. She already knew some, but not the important ones.

"But-" She was cut off.

"Now Avery, what have I told you about trying to pry deeper into more information that you aren't allowed to have?"

Avery sighed, "Its very disrespectful, and we should mind our own business." Looking toward the ground.

"Good girl."

This reminded Avery of old memories. Ones that were left back at the house, when the Cranks started to rule the earth. Avery thought back on those memories, just a year before the outbreak - or whatever they had called it.

There were so many things that she had missed. She missed playing in the snow, she never knew the color of the cold crystalized... sand? salt? well, whatever it was, it could have been purple for all she knew. All she could do was feel it.

Avery missed going to school, despite getting bullied because of her blindness. Was there even schools somewhere out there? Or was everything just, gone? Avery went with the second option.

She missed dancing lessons, she missed her mother teaching her how to cook. She missed burning the bread when she put it into the toaster for way too long, by accident.

Avery thought back on the time her and Ava were in the kitchen, and she didn't sense her mother in front of her. As she ran right into her, the entire carton of eggs all over both of them. In which she thought her mother would get angry, but instead of groaning anger, Ava laughed happily. As they then played a game of food fight, and threw eggs at each other all day long, with choiring laughter.

And then lastly, Avery missed her childhood best-friend, Cassie. They grew up together, and Cassie would always be by her side no matter what happened.

Cassie was long gone after the Cranks took over, and the world ended... the very thought of it causing Avery's heart to dreadfully ache.

It should've been me... Avery thought.

And sadly, the good old times will never come back. It was such a shame.

Avery grabbed onto her arm, where the Crank bite was. Relishing on the last memory she thought of for the day. It still gave her nightmares.


She shook her head from her ongoing thoughts, "Yes?"

"Are you listening?"

Avery nodded, "Y-Yes, mother. I'm just having a bit of a headache, is all."

"Oh," Ava grabbed Avery's shoulder. "We'll have to give you something for that later."

Ava continued, "But for now. I have a new job for you."

Avery lit up a bit, she's been waiting to do something. Walking around Wicked Headquarters all day was getting very boring.

"The Maze Trials are all finished, and Group A - most of the subjects - have survived their first Trials." Ava explained. "I was just informed that they arrived."

Group A, Avery knew the one, it wasn't hard to forget considering they were the first letter of the alphabet. She didn't know any of the teenagers, of course. She doesn't believe she ever met them... she wasn't sure.

Well, she did know them in some way. But she only knew them before they went into the Maze, three years prior, almost four. But, she didn't get attached as she knew she wouldn't see them until their Trials were over.

"As much as I would love to greet them myself, I have some business to attend to." Ava hit the bottom of the stack of papers onto one of the tables, to keep them aligned. "I need to get these-" She referred to the papers. "-over to the tower of Wicked in the city."

"What is the city like?" Avery asked.

"Uph!" Ava stopped her, putting a finger up. "No questions. You'll find out soon enough." She smirked secretly.

Avery lowered her head a little bit, "Of course..."

"Now, go on. Janson is probably down in the Scorch Banks, in the basement greeting them right now." Ava smiled.

She then added, "Maybe you could bring Alfred and Brittany along with you, to greet Group A as well? Helps to make more friends."

Avery smiled, "Yes, mother. That sounds nice."

Ava smiled back, pulling Avery into her body. They hugged gently in a loving embrace. Avery felt safe, but almost afraid, at the same time.

"I love you so much," Ava whispered into her ear. "Don't you ever forget that."

Here's chapter one of "Sear"! :)

What was your favorite part of this chapter?

I'm excited to explore deeper into Avery/Nova's character and how her plot will effect the story, and so on.

Xoxo <3

Xoxo <3

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