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This story is completely made up and not in any way meant to offend others.


You wake up, and look around. Sighing to yourself, you arise from your slumber you dust off your shining wings and change into an outfit you like more.

In the year roughly 9,600 BCE, you died from blunt force trauma. It was during the Ice Age as you were told, and you would have froze to death, if you hadn't died from a rock crushing your skull.

Over the years, your look has changed drastically and you look like as if you were from today, or that's what others tell you. In Heaven, your job is to welcome people who first become angels. You imagine that not much has changed from when you were alive, but from taking small glances at Earth every once and a while, you know that may not be the case.

Recently, you had been promoted for all your years of service and your wings had gone from a beautiful white to a shiny gold. Others stare in awe whenever you walk by, papers in hand and wings huddled on your back. Your halo has also gone from diamond to gold. Some would say diamond is better, but you think that gold is more appealing.

You have witnessed some people being welvomed into Heaven when they should be in Hell more times than you would rather have it. Today is no exception.

You walk out the door of your small house after pinning a sparkly jewel to your gown, fastening it in place. On your way to the gates, you wave to a few others who pass by.

You open the gates and step through. Ready to take on the next newcomer, you put on your badge that displays your job and wait by the pedestal. Once a man materializes in front of you, you say a little quote "there are no strangers in here, just friends you haven't met." Every time you welcome someone new, you always greet them with a quote.

You once found a book in the library that held a ton of welcoming quotes, and you thought it was perfect for you. So you started saying that to every person who comes to Heaven and now almost everybody is your friend.

Instantly, you can tell something is off with this dude, he doesn't have the usual glow like the other angels do, and he certainly doesn't have a halo at all. You eye him suspiciously, and he starts to shrink under your gaze.

"I'm sorry, you must've been mistaken. I don't think you were meant to be here," you say with a menacing tone. With a snap, he is sent to wherever he should have been, and you continue on with your job, saying quote after quote.

Suddenly, someone you would normally call a friend, makes a horrible mistake. A little girl shows up, and your instinct is to act all nice to her, but your 'co-worker' accidentally sends her to purgatory.

You stare at her in disbelief. It looked more as if she planned this, and used a little girl for her sick plan. The two of you rush to your boss, who looks just as suprised as you two are.

Your co-worker starts talking first, "Y/N sent this little girl to hell! I saw her do it!" You look at her dumbfounded at first, but then start your defense.

"There's no way it was me! I didn't even get a chance to say hi before she blasted her off of here!" You say. You know this arguement will go nowhere, because the same co-worker has such a high reputation.

Your boss proceeds to take it to the higher-ups, you and your coworker not being allowed to hear their conversation. Your boss walks out, looks at you, and says "Y/N, because of sending a small child to hell, accident or not, we are sending you to Earth for about a thousand years." You start to tear up, but look down and nod.

He stops for a bit before saying "I'm sorry to say, but you are being demoted," the last word stuck to you like a bad memory. You would rather go to hell than be demoted, and everyone you talk to knows that.

You stare blankly at him, and his face shows only a bit of regret. Being sent to Earth is like a public hanging for you. If it wasn't embarrasing enough, you were being demoted?! Everyone already knew you with golden wings, and being demoted along with being sent to Earth is just completely humiliating if not more.


This was it, apparently your boss forgot about the demotion and moved on to sending you to Earth. Saying bye to all of your friends, you feel ready to go back to earth and see people throwing spears at animals and creating things using fire, but you have a huge suprise coming.

You feel yourself dissipate, but something goes wrong, and you start falling through the sky. You look around, and see so many unfamiliar things. The last thing you see before you hit the surface is your golden shimmering wings, your halo falling just as fast as you, the beautiful sky, not a cloud to be seen, and the tips of trees.

And just like that it's over. You black out just before hearing multiple shouts. Your wings sprawled out on the concrete, and your halo on the floor.

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