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*a new foe has appeared!*


3rd Person

As Y/N starts to wake up, she hears multiple shouts, and someone continuously asking if she is alright. Y/N opens her eyes to see a crowd huddled around her and a girl on her knees.

The unknown girl has brown eyes and darker brown hair. She wears a poncho and a bag full of drawing supplies. She stutters a bit and introduces herself "o-oh you're finally awake! Well, my name is Coco, let me help you up."

Confused by her new surroundings, Y/N accepts the help, not knowing of the large gash in her head. Y/N limps over to the sidewalk, Coco helping her along the way.

Soon, pilice sirens are heard. Coco shudders, remembering a bad time she had once with police. An ambulance strolls onto the street, paramedics rushing out. Once they see Y/N, they freeze dead in their tracks.

Feeling dizzy, Y/N falls onto her knees, bringing Coco down with her. A little girl, seemingly 11 years old, emerges from the crowd and rushes over to Coco. She clings onto Coco's clothes as a small child would with her mother.

Coco pats the little girl on the head, saying "Sofia, go back home, i can do this," Sofia nods, and rushes into the forest. Y/N looks around confused, she never expected things to change so much.


Y/N lays in the hospital bed, a golden substance streaming from her head. She slowly looks around the room and sees all sorts of medical equipment. Scared, Y/N tumbles out of the bed and starts to take off all of the medical equipment.

Stumbling a bit, Y/N looks around the room, and finds no way to leave. She backs herself into a corner and sits there, waiting for somebody to come along. Suddenly, a woman walks through the door and with a shocked face, she says "oh hallo, du bist überraschend früh aufgewacht"

(Oh hello, you woke up suprisingly early) (i used google translator so sorry if anything is incorrect)

You giver her a confused look, and she understands that you don't speak German. She stutters for a bit, and says "oh my bad, i-uh i wanted to inform you that you have a visitor." You slowly nod, telling her that you are okay with it.

A man walks in the room, Y/N doesn't know who, but he introduces himself. "Hello, I'm Germany. And you?" Y/N hesitates for a bit but responds "my name is Y/N,"

"Very well,"


Y/N walks along the sidewalk next to Germany, visibly nervous. She is back in her robes, and her halo shines bright, floating above her head. Sighing, she thinks over what happened back in Heaven. She scoffs at what her coworker did, and promises herself she will make her life living hell. Get it? No? Okay sorry back to the present.

Germany recalls Y/N's name for seemingly the third time, and Y/N finally snaps out of her trance-like state. Y/N looks in front of the two of them, and sees a large structure.

Germany walks towards the structure and does something that completely confuses Y/N. He only opens the door, but Y/N doesn't know anything about houses or buildings, yet Germany doesnt know that. Y/N and Germany walk inside the house, and upon entering, Y/N can see everything neatly organized, as if someone had taken a ruler and made sure it was perfect.

Y/N hears a soft whisper from the hallway, which spooked her a bit, but not Germany. "Has my son brought a girl over?" Y/N hears someone whisper. Germany's face starts to have a growing blush, so this person must be his father. The man steps out of the shadows, and he is wearing a uniform with a hat. Y/N looks up at his shocked face. He never expected to see an angel.

"Oh we are going to be the best of friends!" He shouts, picking Y/N up. Y/N squirms around a bit, but just accepts her fate. "I'm Third Reich, and what about you?" Nazi says, a bit too cheerfully. 'Something is up with this guy...' Y/N thinks to herself.

"My name is Y/N, happy to meet you" Y/N says, Nazi finally putting her down. Third Reich examines Y/N's wings, feeling the softness of the golden feathers. "Why do you dress like this?" Third Reich asks Y/N.

"It's what everyone wears up in Heaven" Y/N replies, shocking the two germans. "Wait, you fell from Heaven?!" Germany asks, raising his voice a little. Third Reich rushes over to the sofa, and turns of the television.

It switches to the news, and a video plays of Y/N falling through the sky. Terrified, Y/N stutters "w-what's that?!" And points to the television. "You don't know what television is?" Germany asks Y/N, who shakes her head no. "People used to tell me that i died in roughly 9,600 BCE, but i don't know what that means," Y/N informs Germany and Third Reich.


"What do you mean she's an angel?" America asks Germany, in a rather rude tone. Third Reich took Y/N outside to explore while Germany hosts a world meeting at his house. All of the countries are- of course, confused as to what Germany is trying to explain.

Meanwhile, Third Reich shows Y/N what changed while she was dead. While walking on the sidewalk, as Third Reich instructed(basically), a car passed by. Y/N, not knowing what a car is, shrieked and ran away from it.

Third Reich wanders around, looking for wherever Y/N may have ran off to. He should have known to tell her about cars. He runs back to the house, and slams the door open just as Germany, America, and a few others discuss what to do with Y/N.

"Y/N is gone!" Nazi shouts, interrupting the countries' meeting. They all stare back, and Germany runs oyt the door with America, following Nazi who leads them to where he last saw her.

The three of them know that if people see Y/N, bad things are going to happen. Especially if Y/N gets cornered.


A/N: just wanted to say, thank you all for reading my horrible story! The next chapter is going to be 4,000 words long, and I'm sorry in advance for the long wait.

Have fun!

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