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As Y/N runs through many alleyways, she finds herself lost. She mentally curses herself for running after just seeing a car. Though she couldn't help it, she fears the unknown. Y/N walks along an abandoned street, or that's what it seems. Y/N hears a shout from her left and turns to face a completely different country from the others.

Y/N walks over to the countryhuman, and says "oh hello, who may you be?"
The countryhuman takes a while to reply, but says "hi, I'm Brazil."

"Hello Brazil, I'm Y/N, it's a pleasure to meet you" Y/N says as she lends out her hand to shake. Brazil shakes her hand, and softly speaks "pleasure to meet you too."

After their somewhat formal encounter, Brazil explains to Y/N why he is in an abandoned street "i just wanted some time alone, you know? Away from the craziness and busy streets," Y/N nods, understanding his reasons, and grateful he didn't say anything about her appearance being weird....

Until now. "Hey, what's up with these wings and halo you got here?" Brazil asks, a bit politely. Y/N sighs, and responds "if you have seen this....television, you would know that i fell from the sky. From Heaven,"

Brazil looks at Y/N with a shocked face. "Really?" He asks with a curious face. "Yes, really," Y/N assures him, laughing a bit. "What's so funny?" Brazil asks playfully. Y/N begins to giggle, "nothing, it's nothing!"

Brazil chuckles, and sits down at the curb of the street pavement. Y/N follows shortly after. "So, can you actually fly? With those wings you got there?" Brazil asks Y/N.

"I don't know, but i can try!" Y/N says cheerfully. She stands up, and rushes over to the middle of the street. Brazil stands up and walks over. "So how am i supposed to fly?" Y/N asks Brazil. "Just do what those birds do, over there," Brazil responds, pointing to a flock of crows.

"Okay, okay i got it." Y/N says, stapping back a little. Y/N starts running, and lifts up her wings. Immediately, Y/N pushes her wings down as fast as she can, and feels herself being gently lifted off the ground.

Laughing, Y/N keeps flapping her wings until she gets six feet off of the ground. As she tries to lower herself, she can't hear what Brazil is shouting. She turns behind her and sees a car that's going way too fast.

It all happens so fast that nobody can see anything. The car hits Y/N, and Brazil runs over to her. Her body lays only ten feet away from the car that crashed into a brick building.


Germany, America, and Third Reich run into the hospital. Seeing Y/N's unconscious body on the operating table, with doctors blocking their view, each one of them curse to themselves mentally.

America notices Brazil sitting down outside the operating room and walks over to him. "What happened?!" America shouts, a little too loud than he would rather have, but it doesn't metter to him now.

"The car was going too fast, and there was nothing i could do!" Brazil says, standing up. America and Brazil start to argue, distracting the other countries from Y/N.

Y/N wakes up, completely fine. "What happened?" Y/N whispers to herself, unaware of the two squabbling countries.


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