Ending 1

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Ending #1- America


Y/N looks behind her to see the same country she had a fight with. She looks back down into the smooth flowing stream and asks "what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to say sorry" America responds. "After everything you've done, you just want to say a mere 'SORRY'?" Y/N whispers, tears still running down her face. America sits down by Y/N and looks down into the water.

Suddenly, he turns his head to Y/N, a smirk on his face.(not that way get outta here you dirty sinners). Y/N looks at him, confused. America starts tickling Y/N, without mercy. Immediately, Y/N forgets about their fight and tries to pry America off of her.(stop getting dirty thoughts i know you are)

Russia makes his way through to the waterfall and smirks at what he sees. "Oh, what do we have here?" He says, successfully grabbing America's attention. Y/N stays on the floor, still laughing in the rain while Ame stands up, and chases Russia away.

America returns and sits down, Y/N now willing to listen to him. "I have to tell you something," they both say at the same time, turning to face eachother. "You first," Y/N says. "Okay," America replies.

"I know i'm not always a good person, but whenever i may be mean to you, just know that it's not what i really feel," he says.

Y/N giggles, and says "good enough for me"

They both stare at eachother, and without realizing it, they lean in. Their lips meet and turn into a padsionate kiss. Parting for air, they stare at eachother, both thinking the same thing.

"I think i love you"

"I love you too," Y/N replies. "You want to go to dinner tonight? On me. It should fix our fight." America asks.

"Yeah, that'll be nice" Y/N responds.

"Where do you wanna go?"

"Anywhere i can get drunk enough to forget this fight,"

"Sounds good,"

"I'm sorry"

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