Ending 6

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Ending #6- Poland

💎"Just smile"💎

Y/N looks behind her to see Poland, the country she could always relate to, or talk to in time of need. "You okay?" He asks, sitting behind Y/N. "Yeah, or at least i will be." Y/N responds.

"Go on, tell me what's wrong," Poland says, his back facing Y/N. "You sure?" "Yeah go ahead, don't worry about it,"

"I hate how everyone feels they have to  treat me differently," Y/N says. "Please stay strong," Poland says, making Y/N turn her head towards him. "Anyone can be nice, but nobody can be as amazing as you,"

"You yourself are something amazing too," Y/N says, leaning her head on Poland's shoulder. "I could write a list with all of the perfect attributes you have," Poland says.

"Poland, we both know that's not true," Y/N says, shedding a single tear.

Poland pulls Y/N in for a hug. He says "yes, it is, it all is."

"Thank you"

"I love you"

"Of course i would love you too,"

"Can you do me a favor?"

"What is it?"

"Please, just smile,"

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