31 | Out

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It felt like days. But, it had only been hours, with short naps in between.

We sat there in our room all day. Everyone was quiet, there was nothing to talk about. Cam finally joined us after our visit with Carter, and brought news that Sean stayed to help Addison because he was really good with computers.

When night finally fell, Carter came back and claimed his top bunk without a word. We all gave him scowls while he climbed the ladder, but he ignored the looks.

There weren't enough beds for everyone so Jace and I shared. I got plenty of eye rolls from Becka, but I ignored all of them.

We both laid on our sides and talked softly so we wouldn't wake anyone.

"The plan was supposed to happen tonight." I said, "Like, right now."

Jace kinda laughed, "Well why can't it?"


"Oh," he was quiet for a moment, thinking, "Well what if we leave him here?"

"He'll hear us leave,"

"I don't know, I've gotten up in the middle of the night before and he didn't even move."

"He was probably listening."

Jace paused, "Maybe."

"Should we take the chance anyway?" I asked, watching his eyes glow in the low lighting.

"Yeah, Addison and Sean still think it's happening tonight, right?"

I let in a sharp breath, realizing how true that was. "Yes, they do." I pause and look at him, "So we have to do it tonight."

He tried to nod, but failed since his head was against a pillow. "Even if Carter sees us, it's four against one, he can't stop us. And by the time he tells Linda we will already be out."

I took a deep breath, "True," I smiled, "Let's get out of here."

Jace grinned back, and we both slipped out of bed. I quickly made my way to Becka and Jace went to Cam. As soon as I placed a hand on Becka's shoulder, I felt her jerk awake and she looked at me. It took about a millisecond for her to realize that we were pursuing the plan, and she sat up.

I leaned in close to her ear and whispered, "Be quiet, we can't wake Carter."

Cam was already standing when I turned around. He dug through his pocket and pulled out a shiny key, and smirked at me. He quickly turned around and slipped the key into the door knob, and turned it.

My ears filled with a click, and the door was unlocked.

Becka stood up without a sound, and studied Carter carefully. Cam opened the door slightly and watched the camera outside. Jace peered out the window at the outside lights. And I stood there, very still, staring at the floor.

Suddenly the room seemed to get even darker, and Jace jogged over to us silently. "Lights are out," he said so quietly I almost didn't hear him.

Cam turned his head, "Camera is still on." He looked back into the hallway, "Just kidding," he corrected himself and opened the door.

Becka mumbled something I didn't hear as Cam gestured for us the leave. Her eyes stayed glued to Carter, and wouldn't see Cam's, or my motion for her to join us. I let out a short sigh and walked over to her.

"Come on!" I told her in a rushed whisper.

"Carter has not moved at all."

I stared at her in shock. "Yeah, he's sleeping. Let's go."

She shook her head. "Like I haven't even seen his chest move."

A chill ran down my back, as I studied him. She was right, it looked like he wasn't even breathing.

I turned to Jace and he waved his hand for me to go to him. I shook my head and pointed at Carter. Jace quietly joined us, and I told him what Becka told me.

"Well, we need to go. This isn't important right now, we could wake him up." Jace gestured one last time for me to follow him, and he walked back to Cam.

"Come on," I grabbed Becka's arm and dragged her to the door.


Cam shoved the front door open and cold air collided with my skin. Satisfaction filled me--we made it to the front door without being seen. Since Addison and Sean killed the power, everything was wide open and vulnerable.

Cam led the way with Jace behind him. Becka stared blankly in front of her as she walked, and I couldn't quite tell why. It was like she was in a daze.

The air was freezing, and I folded my arms to keep warm. I saw the steam of my breath in front of me and my eyes studied the snow piles around us. I was distracted by the landscape, when I ran into Jace who had stopped in front of me.

I mumbled an apology, and looked at Cam. He had stopped too, and both of them stood unmoving, staring at something in front of them.

I stepped to the side to see what they were reacting to, and froze when I saw it.

A silhouette of someone in the dark stood before us. It had an outline of a grown woman, and stared back at us. I couldn't tell who she was in the moonlight, but she took a few steps closer to us.

"Where are you going?" she asked us.

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