*Ch 8 The 5th of september (Not edited yet)

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  • Dedicated to Abbey

We then went to our school audiotorium for the teachers' day programme. We awaited the teachers of a couple of minutes. All of a sudden, cheers rose amongst everyone. The air was filled with joyful squeals and howls. Our teachers had arrived at last, looking as stinning as ever. Most in a total Indian atire wich they wear rarely and a few wear saris only for teachers day. They all looked awesome though, all decked up.

The programme started with a bang. A prayer dance first then a prayer service. We then started the programme. A choir perfomance, followed by our AWESOME, original, unique, out of this world play. First were dances. Aww. 8th grade. The 'A' and 'C'class did a Rajasthani dance cheographed by one of my really good friends'. The 'D' divisions did a Punjabi dance and the 'B' and 'E' did a Kholi dance. They were all awesome. They were all in traditional costumes.

The girls in the Rajasthani dance wore the typical Rajasthani atire, with those white bangles on their arms and those cones on their heads covered by the sari 'pallu'

The Punjabi dance girls were again in a Punjabi atire. The typical 'pattiyallias' and heavy jewellery and all. They were dressed just as actual Punjabi's would do so.

The Knoli dance girls were in a typical 'I-sell-fish-at-the-market-place' Kholi atire. Sadhika looked the cutest when she danced. She did it so naturally.

The five 8th grade classes then perfomed a fusion on the song 'Jai Ho' from the movie 'Slumdog Millionaire'

We then had the 9th grade dance fusion. First, they perfomed a Kholi dance on some song I don't really remember. They then did a Goan dance on the song 'Maria Pitashay'.

We then had the awesome-est dance by the 10th grade. OMG. The dance was awesome. It IS their last year so they better keep their mark here. I also heard from someone though, don't know if it's true. But, I heard that they TOLD their friends to shout out "once more" and all of that.

Anyway, the teachers enjoyed the programme. They were really happy and all. Since they were happy and liked the programme, we students, too, naturally, enjoyed and were really happy. We could see their happy faces. Aww, they looked like dolls.

"Facetime once you reach home", I told Ayesha. She picked up her younger sister. We walked home. Her house was quite close to mine. So, we parted our ways in about 7-12 minutes. We took longer that usual to reach.

Half and hour after we reached home. I removed my set of house keys since no one was at home except or Brittnèa, my sister. Anyway, Ayesha and I had our lunch, freshned up and began facetiming with interuptions from her sister and brother. I'm so happy I don't have younger siblings. I do have an elder sister, though. She's really awesome and cool. But to me, she's super annoying. I'm 13 and she's 15. So naturally, she BORROWS my things without my knowledge. I literally lock up all of my things in my room when I go to school. She was out on a school field trip to Paris. An educational trip, actually. But she said they had loads of fun in the city of romance. We spoke over the phone for my birthday. She returns today. She will be home, eager to annoy me once I reach. Her name is pronounced with a french accent. I call her Britt, however. She would kill me if I rang the bell and disturbed her beauty sleep, but what she didn't know, was I was running down a different path altogether.

I opened the door, checked that my parents' were still out. They's gone when I was on facetime. I then ran to Britt's room. Only I had a key to her room? She gave me one when we were small and took it back. I then BORROWED it once again, the same way she borrows my things. I opened the door carefully, as cunning as a fox and jumped down on her bed.

"You won't believe what happened to me today morning on my way to school", I squealed into her ears. Well, theres a secret I'm not supposed to be telling anyone. Brittnaè had a crush on Austin in the 8th grade. They are both the same age and are born on the same day, too- 6th August 1997. Now, she says she doesn't like-like him but me, being her sister, know she still likes him just a bit, because he WAS her first crush, and they do stay for quiet a while no matter how much we try denying them.

I then told her the entire story of Austin walking me to school. She had fire burning through her eyes. "Jelous much?" I asked her eventhough I knew the answer. She blushed. She WAS jelous, because Austin and me are closer that she and Austin ever were; and Austin is her ex-boyfriend. Yup, she didn't give a damn about him first but when he lost him, it was then she realised her feelings for him.

She was wide awake once I completed my story about Austin. "I'm gonna kill him", she said. "But he's not talking to you", I said teasingly. "But he IS talking to me", I continued.

"Kill Austin", she said. "Anyway", she said changing the subject. "Look what I got you from Pariè." I stood there, suffering from a minor heart attack. It was a fancy top. (I just LOVE my sisters' taste n everything) But heres the shocking part. The top had 'Austin' plastered over the front. I then saw the back 'Kutcher'

"But it still means the Austin you know", she said teasingly. Only she can get away with a top like this. "You are SO gonna wear this down to play today", she said. "It's custom made. I got myself a similar one with the same print and everything. Only, your's is a black top and mines magenda."

I nodded amazed. OMG. Today's going to be something. Just something. We then spoke of what she did in Paris. Well, she enjoyed with her friends. She also made a new friend, BOYFRIEND, actually. His names Pierre. He lasted her for a day, because the school couldn't suffer the humiliation they would have to face so she was banned from going anywhere without adult supervision. She didn't give a damn. She says its her last year to enjoy lame school. I defended my school saying it isn't lame and guess what? This was the first battle I've ever won against her.

Anyway, I just can't wait to see Austin's face today. Britt and I are planning on wearing there cool full sleeve cardigains she got us to go with the tops. She cover the 'Kutcher' written at the back. That's just incase someone who is not supposed to ask, asks what Austin's name is doing on our tops.

A/N- sorry for the errors cause I'm watching THE X FACTOR AMERICA. And I was writing this chapter. I also promised a friend 2 pages atleast per chapter cause she told me when she read one of the chapters' she was searching for the arrow to the next page, nut there was just one page in that chapter. When I write, I really don't know how many pages a chpater is cause it doesn't show u until I post it so I hope this is atleast two pages.

Book 1- I Hope You're Happy Triology- Everything At Once (Annie's P.O.V)Where stories live. Discover now