Ch 1 Knowing Ayesha.

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  • Dedicated to Abeer

May be completed before 31st October if I write a chapter everyweek. It has to be completed before 31st October 2012 for the Watty Awards 2012. If its not then I've gotta wait till 2013 for the next watty awards.

This is actually a Taylor Swift novel, but here Taylor Swift is born and brought up in India. It's just my imagination. And the main character is played by Taylor Swift that's all.

The novel is entirely based on the author's thoughts and ideas. It is not meant to affect any person, religion, caste or race. Kindly note- suggestions are welcome. This novel is based in India so there are sentences and \ or words in the national language of India which is Hindi but there is an English translation in brackets like this {.......} and now for the novel.

Tell me if you like it. Leave a commnt down. Only if I get comments on this will I write more. But then, I really love this story. It's gonna be awesome. Better than my other book "Everything has changed,"

So, here goes.

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I was walking down the halls of TEHS, thats Thomas Edison High School, when all of a sudden I bumped into Miss 'The-World-Should-Revolve-Around-Me', AKA Ayesha Nomani. Ayesha joined school a couple of days after Summer Break, that's at the start of the Acedemic year. Even though she's new, she's popular. She's fun to be with and respects authority, but she and me? Well, I don't really like her. Not that I've ever spoken to her. She's really pretty too, though she doesn't think so. Whenever I see her, I remember the line from the 1D song 'What Makes You Beautiful', 'You don't know you're beautiful, oh oh, that's what makes you beautiful.'

So, back to Ayesha. She has black-brown eyes, black hair with hints of brown in them and a fair complexion. She's born abroad but comes regurally to India. This year, in the eighth grade, she joined this school. She sits a bench behind me in school, a row beside mine.

So, I bumped into her. "Watch your step", she said with a slight accent, I guess it was American. "Sorry." I said. Talk about ego. Well, I was in a hurry to submit my over-due history project to Miss. Khadus, {sour by nature} my history teacher. Well, we call her Khadus because she really IS khadus. She hates it when anyone doesn't complete and/or submit their work on time. Well, you get why we don't like her.

I then reached the staff room entrance, asked for permission to enter and went straight to Ms. Khadus' table. "Miss", I said in a meek and soft voice, even though I was angry and irritated inside. "Hmm", she said. I kept the project on her table. "Sorry miss for submitting the project late. May I take your leave?" she nodded. "Thank you, miss", I said and went out of the staff room. I then entered my classroom. I looked at Ayesha, who was talking to her partner Carly at the moment. I said hi. She responded with a wave. I went to my place and began talking to my partner and friend- Sadhika.

After a while the bell rang as a sign that it was the start of lunch break. I casually went up to Ayesha. "May I sit here?" She nodded. I sat on the same bench as her, in Carly's seat. Carly was out with friends.

"So", I asked casually, "How are you?" "Good", she replied. There was an awkward scilence. Ayesha removed a newspaper from her bag (we are provided with daily newspapers, which are filtered especially for people our age. Its called the NIE Times.) All of a sudden she squealed,"TS" I was stunned. "I didn't know you like Taylor Swift!", I exclaimed. "I don't like her", she replied plainly. Then erupted the volcano,"I LOVE her. She's awesome. Her songs, too, are awesome and so cool, her hair is to die for and I love the way she is and looks." "Okay", I said plainly. "I too like Taylor Swift, but, Iike, not as much as you do. I've heard a couple of songs and I love them and can relate to them." "Me too", she squealed. "Go and get your NIE Times" I did as she said. I opened the second compartment of my Dora The Explorer Bag (ya, kiddish. I'm getting a new one during the weekend.) I removed my NIE and threw it on Ayesha's table. "Here", I said.

She then began scribbling names of various Taylor Swift songs. She also added a few others, by BoB, Katy Perry and Band Perry and then gave me back my newspaper. "You've GOTTA hear these songs, ok?" I nodded. I love music and I don't mind wasting my time hearing songs instead pf studying or doing anything else. "So", I said to her. "You've got any sisters or brothers?" "Yup", she said. "A younger sis April, in this school and a younger bro, Taylor. He's yet to get admission. You?" "Oh! I've got a brother. I came to know her brother was younger to mine by a few months. "When's your birthday?", I asked her. "Feb 15th 99." She replied. "Yours?", she asked me. "Same as my roll. no- 39- September 3rd 99. You're elder to me by a few months and your birthday's a day after Valentine's Day." I did a fake pout. We both cracked up. I then came to know that we were alike in many ways. Her favourite colour is black and so is mine. We also like the same type of music and many other things. I really love her bag, too- black Fastrack. Cool right?

And just like that, in half an hour of lunch break we became friends. Wierd, isn't it? Well, not so weird in our world,but yet a bit weird.

Then the bell rang signalling the end of our break. I went back to my seat. The rest of the day we were talking to each other when the teacher in the class wasn't looking. Ayesha really IS fun to be with.

At the end of school we went down the two stories from our classroom to the main gate together. She then went to pick up her sister and I went home.

Once I reached home I dumped my bag on my bed, ate lunch, watched a bit of TV and slept for a while. I got up at 3, studied for a bit, read a Meg Cabot novel-Tommy Sulivan is A Freak. I gotta say, it's awesome and Meg now tops my list of favourite authors.

I then took my phone and texted one of my best friend's- Alicia. She was to come at 5:30 to my building to play but now she's gonna come at 6.


"Go", Alicia shouted into my ears. "No, please. Not today. See, he's already gone. And what if he doesn't wanna talk to me? I'll go there like a dork and say hi and he will just look and mock. Or not even LOOK." I shouted back.

Okay, so we were having a bit of an arguement. We casually dared ourselves. I had to say hi to this guy I like and she's gotta do the same, but to the guy she likes. I saw him but did nothing so Alicia got a bit ragged on me.

Suddenly Austin, the guy I liked came up to me. "Annie right?" and flashed me his die-for smile. Ahhh! I somehow croked out something like,"Ya" "Wanna be friends again? Like best friends how we used to be first?" he asked me.


"Annie, Annie? Annie Swift? Wake up", a familiar, guy-voice said to me. Austin. I was lying on the ground. Had I fainted? "Wha-what happened?", I asked. "Well", Alicia said. She then helped me get up and turned to Austin and said. "Excuse us, please?" "Of course", said Austin and went aside.

"Austin said hi to you, told you your name and you fainted!" Alicia said. "And he asked me to be his best friend again?" I asked "What best friend Annie? He didn't say anything like that to you. Now straighten up and go talk to him. You want me to tag along? Or should I sit here? But you've gotta talk for at least 5 minutes to him ok?" Alicia said. "Ok, and no, sit here. I'll go alone"

I went up to Austin. "Hi. Uh, I was thinking, well, I'm having a party at my house this weekend. I would really like it if you came. It's just a small party. Me, Alicia, Justin Jones, Selena Heights, Tyler Carr and well, uh you?"

"Well, if you insist. And I know Justin and Tyler. Both from my school. Selena's from your school right? And Alicia's the girl standing over there?" He pointed towards Alacia.

"Ya", I said. "She is. Like you've forgotten us." I said sarcastically. I invited him over to my place this Sunday. What day of the week is today? It's only Monday. 6 more days to go."

A\N- Hey guys, hows it? Comment and if you know me personally, text me. If there's any changes please tell me so cause my editing skills are not great. And if any additions can be made to this chapter, well, please tell me. Don't forget to click on that little 'Vote' button and please comment.

Book 1- I Hope You're Happy Triology- Everything At Once (Annie's P.O.V)Where stories live. Discover now