*Ch 13 Last Christmas, I gave you my heart. Past 2

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  • Dedicated to Ananya Menon


Austin's POV-

I got up to the starting tune of papercut by Linkin Park, my ringtone. "Hello", I said onto the phone, lazily. Just FYI, I am NOT a morning person. "Merry Christmas", came a chirpy reply from the other end. "Merry christmas, Ni." I said. "Get your ass off the bed. It's twelve", she barked onto the phone. "Okay. I will. But, wait. Ho- how do you know I'm still asleep?"

All of a sudden I heard a knock on my bedroom door. "Come on in. It's open", I said impatiently. "Wha?" I said startled. Annie Swift was in my room. She was in her usual black jeans. she paired them up with cute diney world top with Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse on it. Her blonde hair left, in curls at the end. her sneakers still on with white ankle-length socks.

I ended the call after seeing her. "You're early", I teased. "Where's my prize?" She asked jokingly.

I then got off the bed and got into the bathroom. I began brushing my teeth. Annie laughed. "Wha?" I said. Not abel to sat the 't' because of the toothbrush in my mouth. "Was so funny?" I asked her. Once again the 't' not coming out.

"Oh, nothing", she said. Still laughing. "You've got a white, toothpaste 'stash", she said still giggling. "Haha", I said on purpose. I then went in, had a shower and got ready. By the time, Annie helped Fergie set up everything for the party.

In a while, Britt and Ally (Alicia) also came. They hadn't come earlier with Ni. I then put on my deodrant, combed my hair, put on some good clothes (which my closet was full of) and went out.

The room smelt of, I don't know, say, chocolate? I took a deep breath in. Yeah, chocolate. Yum. "Chocolate smells good, guys!" "Theenks", they shouted. I then went into the kitchen. "Need my help?"


We plonked ourselves onto the couch. "Lets get this party started", Brittnaé- who had come just a while ago with Alicia- said. In a while, load of kids from my college came too. I'm popular out here, just FYI.

Gangnam style was bursting on the music system. Kids were dancing the funny steps and singing- well only the english part and that small part in the main chorus- along with Psy. Annie had tears in her eyes since she had been laughing since the song began. She tried singing and doing the steps, but to no avail. She would open her mouth and go,"Op, op op op, oppa gangnam style", laughing. Due to this all the kids also began laughing. By the end of the song it was like, ROFL.

Later on, Enrique's Finally Found You played. Annie thinks Enrique is just another old singer. But, even she liked finally found you. She even sang along- "In this crazy world the choices I've only got a few"- was the part she sang the loudest.

Later on, we got tired. We- Annie, Britt, Alicia, Fergie, Justin and I- left the party and went to my room, which was further away from the hall.

"123", Fergie took the lead.

"45", Alicia said.

"67", Britt said, stopping at Annie's licky number.

"89 10", Annie continued, smirking at Brittnaé.

"11 12 13", I said swiftly.

"14 15", Justin said, immitating his long-time-secret crush Brittnaé Swift.

"16", Fergie smirked.

"17", Alicia giggled.

"18", Britt said.

"19 20 21", Annie voluntered.

"Truth. Dare. Situation." I asked. "Situation", she answered immediately. "Hmm", I said, thinking of a truth. I had something in mind but. . . I was not to sure about it.

Book 1- I Hope You're Happy Triology- Everything At Once (Annie's P.O.V)Where stories live. Discover now