*Ch 2 Nothing much

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I chatted with Alicia for a while, while Austin and his friends played football. I love that game but can't play it that well. So I avoid it when Austin's around. In short, when Austin's around, I loathe football. I came home at around 8:30, has a shower and watched TV from. I switched off the TV, took my mobile and texted Alicia for a while. When I saw the time, I realised it was 11:15. I quickly said bye to Alicia and went off to sleep. (Well, I did think of what happened today with Austine till 12. I smiled and then began to scream. Luckily, into the pillow as the voice then got muffled.


"Wish you could only see, I've got a heart mark question mark roaming in the back of my head." Taylor Swift was screaming in my ears. (Well ok. Not TS, her song Heart Mark Question Mark.) I reluctantly got up, brushed my teeth, had my breakfast, went to the bathroom, put on my uniform and left the house in exactly an hour, thats at 6:40, for school. I reached school in about 5-10 minutes and entered the 7th class room on the second floor- 8th E.

I saw Ayesha. "Hey. G'morning." She waved,"G'morning to you too. You know what? Yesterday, I want down to play. I had loads of fun. I played 7 tiles and it was my lucky day I guess, cause usually, I never break the laggori (the tiles in the middle while playing the game) but yesterday, I broke it like 10-15 times. Woohoo. I'm so happy." I sat down in Urvi's place."Aww", I told her. "Cool." "What time do you go down usually?", I asked her. "Uh, 5 and I come back home around 7 or 7:30 usually. Cause, well everyone in my building comes down and goes home at that time." "Oh", I told her."I go down to play at 6 or 7 cause everyone at my place starts playing at 7 itself. I come home at like 8 or 8:30. Sometimes at 9, too", I told her. "Wow, cool. Lucky girl." She told me.

The first bell then rang, so I went to my place and sat there, waiting for our class teacher to come. We've nicknamed her Goblin and one of the other classes has nicknamed her Donald Duck. He real name is Megha. So I sat there listenong to the lecture she gave us on something related to Economics. Ya right, boring with a capital B. I somehow sat through two hours of toture. An hour of Economics and an hour of Biology. Finally I heard the bell ring.

"Lunch at last", I shouted. Sadhika giggled. "I'm gonna wash my hands, ok?" "Ok", I told her. "I'll be in Ayesha's place." Sadhika nodded her head and went off to her adventure a door away.

"Hey", I said once I was at Ayesha's place. I sat next to her. I happened to get a cheese sandwich that day which Ayesha was eyeing from the time I removed my tiffin from my bag. "Want some?", I asked her. "Nope", she said. "Come on", I continued teasing her, "I know you do. You totally want this. Take a bite already." She took one. "Ah. Always tastes like heaven", she exclaimed. I giggled.

"So?" I asked her. "What did you do yesterday?" "Nothing much", she said. "Guess what?" she looked at me excited. "I'm getting an iPad3!" "Cool", I told her. "I have one. It's awesome." The stupid bell rang then. "See ya later then. Tootles", I told Ayesha and went to my place.


The rest of the day went well. We were told to write an English essay on anything we want and had to submit it the following day.

I sat, staring at the page. I had ideas. Loads of them jumping through my head. I began putting them on paper. Its actually an expansion of ideas. I've taken my topic as moods without you and named it something similiar. It goes something like this-

"Title- Just Another Swift-y Mood.

Where are you when I need you the most? I need you to console me, to be at my side, to hold my hand and take me down the path you know is best for me. I want you to be at my side always, to take my hand and lead the way. Failure is all I get without you here.

Where are you when I need you the most? Come over to the dark side, where I reached without you here. Without you in my life I am nothing. It's like dry bread without anything in or on it. Like Adam without Eve. It's like Juliet without Romeo and like Rose without Jack.

Where are you when I need you the most? You are my ray of light. You are the only thing I see, can see and will always see on this dull, rainy day. Come back. Please come back to me."


"Ally stop", I screamt. We were playing a game called 'stop and party.' In it, there was a den, which was me at the moment. If I would see a person I would take their name and say stop after that. If a persons not out they come and tap me, who is the den, on the back and say 'party.' If and when everyone's out, the person who's out first has to take their den. This goes on and on until everyone gets fed-up and bored of the game or until everyone's got to go home.

"Who's left?" I asked Tyler Carr. "I can't tell", was all he said. "WhatEVER", I said rolling my eyes. "How can you not know who's left Annie?" Ally (I call Alicia Ally) told me. OMG. She gave me a hint. There I saw that perfect hair and those perfect eyes staring at me. "Austin stop", I said. "Selena's den. She's out first", I said.

"No", Tyler argued. "She said Ally stop. She's gotta take entire first names like Alicia not Ally." Stupid Tyler. I thought to myself. Tyler and I are not the best of friends, neither are we the worst of enemies. It's complicated. "Leave it, Ty", Austin came to my defence as always. "She's taken her den loads of times already. Go hide everyone. I'm taking my den." Tyler shot Austin a blood-shot look. I looked at him. Wow! We aren't speaking but he comes to my rescue. I wish he comes this Sunday for my party, too. He said he would.

"Annie, stop" "Oh come on, Aust. Me? I just finished my den." He likes teasing me. When we were small, too, he used to tease me. But old times don't matter. Did I just call him Aust? OMG. I didn't look at him in the eyes thought. Lucky; or I would get jelly knees.

Book 1- I Hope You're Happy Triology- Everything At Once (Annie's P.O.V)Where stories live. Discover now